
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Umbrella Weather

I've been a little run down with the flu lately.  I've got to admit I've sort of enjoyed Mr. J coming home and taking care of me this week.   He's been taking care of dinner and making sure that my tea glass is full! I'm starting to think about that big Easter dinner I'm supposed to cook.  Hopefully I'll be back in action by then and maybe a little help with that too?  LOL!  My son's girlfriend is a vegetarian - so any tips for dishes in that department would be appreciated too.  I'm Polish and no one leaves our table hungry!   Of course we will have some of the traditional things like ham and rye bread, but I'm flexible with the rest! 

I wanted to play along with the challenge at CASology this week. - the cue word is Weather.  And since I am under the weather, and YES it is RAINING here in the Chicago area the challenge seems perfect.

I swear .. this started out totally clean - the top panel only.. but then I cut it down so I could adhere it to a card base.. and I think I left the margins way too wide because it looked so empty and lonely! 
My brilliant idea .. to stamp some water splashes all along the edge of the card base.  Seems perfect with the umbrella right? 
I had so much fun stamping all those splats that I got lost and almost forgot I wasn't feeling so good!  What a great diversion!

 Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!  

Finished Size 4.25 x 5.5"
Stamps | WPlus9 Ink Splats & Love Showers

Dies | WPlus9 Sunshine Layers


  1. What an awesome card! I love the colours and the splattered background. The main focal part is gorgeous and the sentiment perfect! I hope you feel better soon! xxx

  2. Fabulous card all your sweet colors!

  3. Beautiful card and colours Jeanne, sorry you are under the weather! hope you feel more yourself soon, lot here in the UK have the flu bug, (hope I do not get it)..
    Have a wonderful Easter feast with your family.
    Hugs Pam x

  4. Jeanne your red umbrella is fabulous and the sweet clouds. Your background is so unexpeced--LOVE! Thank you for sharing with us at CASology this week!

  5. I am so sorry that you have not been feeling well. I hope that you are better by now. This is a very bright and cheery card, and is sure to bring a smile to anyone either under the weather or stuck in a storm. Thanks so much for playing along at CASology this week.

  6. I just LOVE the happy colors Jeanne!
    Thanks for joining us at CASology!

  7. This card is delightful, Jeanne! I love the heart showers - perfect for the sentiment. Thanks so much for joining us at the CASology challenge! I hope you are feeling better.

  8. Love the splatters in the background. They remind me of little ones jumping in puddles!! This is darling Jeanne!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!