
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Inspired by ... Cactus Floral

Have you checked out Inspired by All the Little Things?  It's a new challenge created by Lesley Croghan!  Every week there is a new inspiration photo and a sample from a very special guest.  Then it's your turn to link up your creations.  A new challenge starts every Saturday.  I know.. it was a busy weekend for me too!  The Easter holiday kept me hopping more than the Easter Bunny... first planning a menu, shopping, cleaning, then prepping for the big day!  But we all survived and I hope a great time was had by all.  Now to get back to a having things a little quieter, and maybe some crafty time to relax and engage your creative side!!

It was Tracey McNeeley's turn to choose the inspiration photo this time!  Check out the pretty cactus floral arrangement.  The blue green and coral together is stunning!  Yes of course I have to play! LOL!  Tracey's guest is Stephanie Klauck! You'll enjoy reading more about her on the Inspired by blog!

I've had this set from Waffle Flower for a while and just never got around to coloring it up.  I was delighted when I saw Tracey's cactus and knew exactly what stamp I would use!

I stamped the image with Memento ink and colored with Copic markers.  I am embarassed to admit how many times I colored this image before I was happy with it.  I tried watercolors and lots of DIFFERENT colors. 
I decided to fussy cut the image  so I could add lots of coral / orange papers.  The image is quite large and you wouldn't be able to see any background otherwise.  

For a pop of color I added some pops of purple - one of the cactus, a pretty stitched border cut (Pretty Pink Posh), and a purple gem.  My mom loves cactus and has them everywhere in her home.  You'll find crochet doily under most of the smaller ones, so I added one on mine too. 
I hope you find some time to join us this week!  But you better be quick - can you believe it's Tuesday already?


Finished Size 4.25 x 5.5"
Stamps:  Waffle Flower Potted
Pattern Paper | Basic Grey | Typeset
Dies | Pretty Pink Posh Stitched Borders | Cheery Lynn Doily | MFT Fishtail Flags
Enamel Dots | Tim Holtz Pin | Gem


  1. I knew that your card would be fabulous Jeanne! I have loved that set for so long and I might still get it! You coloured your succulents perfectly--so cool!

  2. This card turned out beautiful despite your trys. (the other ones were practice!) Really loving the colors you chose. Such a happy card. :)

  3. Love these colors and your fabulous coloring, Jeanne! Lovely card!

  4. Perfect coloring !!!!!!
    Those succulents !!!!!!
    Love them !!!!

    Ineke X

  5. Great card! I LOVE the colors and the layout!

  6. You've captured the inspiration photo beautifully Jeanne, this is fabulous!

  7. Oh, I love your coloring--just gorgeous! That sentiment is wonderful!

  8. With colors to brighten anyone's day, it's no wonder you're Queen Jeanne! And what a darling stamp! Oh the things I learn visiting, A Kept Life!!! Just had to enter this challenge, a newbie for me!

  9. I WISH I had time to play. That photo! Your card. Alas, a week is just not enough time to do this challenge justice... Love this piece, Jeanne! Off to check off more!

  10. Love, love, LOVE all the happy colors here, Jeanne! Then, you went and threw in polka dots... Yum! I played, too, but just missed the deadline. Sigh.

  11. Wonderful card, Jeanne! Love the colors and your fabulous coloring! So excited to be joining such a talented team!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!