
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

SSCB#29 Stitches - Airplane

I hope you're having a good day!  I have a bit of the flu so I'm being lazy this week.   I knew it was a matter of time - everyone else in the house has already had something this winter - I'm lucky I was able to hold out this long.    Now if only there was someone to make me tea and soup!  I keep thinking, if only the dog  had hands I'd be able to put her to work!  I can just see her folding laundry - do I sound delirious?   I guess she's doing her job watching over me - perched at the foot of the bed growling at anyone who comes near.  I feel like her favorite chew toy!

Bunny DieThere's a new challenge today at the Serendipity Stamps Challenge Blog.  This time you are asked to create a design featuring at least one Serendipity Stamps image or die and ADD STITCHES.  Your stitches can take any form - patterned paper, stitched ribbon, embossed stitches, or actual stitches if you are so inclined.  You have an entire month to link up your designs.  And yes.. there is a sale this week.... 20% off all the stamps in the "Easter"  Category. You're going to find lots of good  things here - think bunnies, jellybeans, chickies, and even the new bunny die!
Want to play I spy?  Ok .. find the stitches.. I have a stitched frame, stitched ribbon, and even some stitched embossing on the zig zag border punch!

The design team made cards featuring trains, cars, bicycles, and airplanes for a consistent look.  Want to see what the rest of the ladies made?   Just click on their names here to jump to their blog.

Thanks for stopping by!    I hope you have a great day!

AirplaneMiss You!

Supplies Used:  Finished Size 5.75 x 5.75"
Stamps:  Serendipity Airplane, Miss You!
Pattern Paper:  October Afternoon Boarding Pass 8x8"
Card Stock:  PTI White, Enchanted Evening, Pure Poppy
Twinery Marachino Twine
Dies:  Lil Inker Stitched Squares, Stitched Circles, Flags & Tags
Border Punch:  EK Success Zig Zag Stitch
Ribbon 3/8" Stitched Grosgrain Celebrate It!  (Michael's)


  1. Aww Jeanne, sorry you are not feeling well. I would be there in a minute if I could.
    Love your brightly colored airplane! The small banner with the button and that! Happy to see you used stitched matts as well . I was hoping that would count.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Hope you feel better soon. Lol about your dog...great visual! Soooo many different stitches? Love the airplane and the CAS card. Rest up!

  3. It's GORGEOUS! Love the plane with the sentiment...very poignant and I found 2 of the 3 stitches. Couldn't find it in the zig zag, but then again I'm blind!

  4. Wonderful, Jeanne! Such fun colors and papers and I love the layout.

  5. I adore this airplane and all the papers are soooo perfect!! Dang....sorry you're not feeling well!

  6. 'Kay I knew I missed something about the just need to do a little training....your dog is young enough...I have one that I think is half blind...not sure I'd get tea!!

  7. So sorry you are not feeling well. At least you have a dog to keep you company. This is fabulous--so bright and cheery. What a fun challenge--I just got a bunch of Serendipity stamps in the mail, so I'm going to try to play along. One thing I know for sure--I will be using faux stitching!

  8. Love this-- and so would my brother!! Just wonderful.

  9. Jeanne, first I hope you are feeling better, no fun being sick. I love your card, what a fabulous airplane and the patterned paper you paired it with is so perfect, you really have a way with all your supplies, it is like in the movie Fantasia, they all seem to know just want to do! Love it.

  10. This is the perfect masculine image for an aviation lover. I like how you have showcased and colored it here. Great colors too!

  11. This card is faboulous. I like everything about it. The image, the colors, the design. a Perfect card! I have this October afternoon paper pack...(Unused) Never quite sure what to do with it. You have used it so perfectly here and have inspired me to get it out and make a card...Thanks for the inspiration.


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!