
Friday, August 24, 2012

WMSC #112 - Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Saturday!  Any big plans for the weekend?  I'm going to my son's first cross country meet  of the year!  A new school, a new team, a new beginning.  This is my son's 6th season running.  All the schools arrive at around 8:00 am and they have one event after another - girls varsity, girls jr. varsity, boys varsity, boys jr. varsity etc.  Sometimes he doesn't hit the field until 1:00 p.m which used to really frustrate me.  The waiting frustrated me - and I didn't see the point in sitting there for hours to watch my son run by in the blink of an eye.  I've learned time is relative, and how you spend your time is important.  Most of all I've learned that time is fleeting.  It's not a waste of time because I expect there are only a few more cross country seasons ahead.  I have learned to slow down and make the most of it.  I plan on packing up the car with a blanket, chairs, a cooler with drinks and nibbles - a good book - and if she is a good girl - my binker.  Isn't life grand?
Cross Country always reminds me of Fall, and I will credit that as my inspiration for my card this week.  The sketch this week at the Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge is by Waltzingmouse Design Team member  Mona Pendleton of Cupcake's Creations.  Mona's creations are always stunning - lovely eye candy perfectly embellished with lace, ribbon, stitching and if you're lucky a sprinkle of sugary glitter!  She is a great source of inspiration, and hers is one of the first blogs I fell in love with when I was introduced to the Internet world of paper crafts.  I hope you have a some time to play along this week.  If you're in need of a little inspiration hop on over to the WMSC page and see what the Mischief Maker's have come up to tickle your fancy!
I stamped the pumpkin image twice, colored with Copics, and used pop dots to make a layered embellishment.  Here's a close up so you can see all layers going on here.  I stamped the wicker / cane background behind the doily and added some crochet lace trim.  I thought this one was pretty enough to hold it's own without a big bow.
 Here is the finished card...
Thanks for having a look - have a beautiful day - and don't forget to get out there and  soak up some sunshine!
Supplies Used:  Finished Size:  5" x 7"
Stamps:  Waltzingmouse Peace & Plenty, Large Doily, Heirloom Patterns
Paper;  Papertrey Ink Stampers Select White, Kraft, Orange Zest, Terracotta Tile
Markers:  Copic
Lace:  Waltzingmouse
Dies:  Spellbinders Standard Circles, Big Scalloped Circles, Classic Inverted Scalloped Circles
Embossing:  Sizzix Texturz Emboss Plate Formal Fanfare
Ink:  Versafine Habanero, Onyx Black, Momento Tuxedo Black


  1. What a wonderful card. I like how you featured that pumpkin front and center. I hear you on the cross country. My oldest surprised me by joining the team in 7th grade, and she ran for 2 years. Gave it up in high school to play soccer, but it was a fun sport to watch.

  2. I love that you know to slow down and enjoy every minuite, it does go by fast.There will always something new to look forward to, with your children . Beautiful thanksgiving card, you know what I love the best.... The golden leaves on your pumpkin. Love the bright colors and the raised pumpkin. Thanks for the wonderful inspration!

  3. Very pretty Jeanne. Beautiful thanksgiving card - love the vibrant orange. Loved reading about your sons cross country event - good luck to him! Enjoy your time with your book - its great that you have time to slow down ;).

  4. This is absolutely fabulous - love the vibrant orange and depth of your pumpkin. Enjoy the cross country event and best of luck to your son.

  5. Beautiful card...what I really like is your embossed background, so subtle but really makes everything blend in and that pumpkin, so stunning. Have fun this weekend!

  6. So cute, orange and Fall! I love the beautifully colored pumpkin and the Fall leaf embellishment, your lace trim looks so pretty agains the orange cane print. I like that you embossed the card too! You created a stand-out card it!

  7. LOVE the delicious, fall prints and textures here, Jeanne! And that pumpkin medallion is FANTASTIC!

  8. Wonderful Thanksgiving card, Jeanne! Fabulous dimension and texture, and I love the doily and the crocheted lace. Wonderful!

  9. OMG should I call the police? It appears somebody stole your ribbon, heeeee! I am so loving Jeanne does CAS (really, is there nothing you CAN'T do??) The coloring is fab and I love the dimension! The cane background is perfect for this card!

  10. Hi Jeanne! I love your take on this sketch - a perfect fall card. The pop of gold in those leaves looks beautiful, and I love that doily stamp!

  11. Love it girl!!! No Cheery Lynn.....going through withdrawal!?!? This set is one of my must haves for this fall and, you're right fall is on its's way! Hope you enjoyed the track meet!

  12. Such a pretty card! I'm lovin that orange and then pumpkin! It's getting to be that time of year!

  13. Hope you had a great weekend and that your son did well at his meet. Our grandson is trying out for the track team where they just moved. He's a sophomore and thinks he just made Junior Varsity but that's okay. I love the dimension and the gorgeous Fall colors on your card! And that pumpkin--wow! It's such fun to see you designing without bows. As Kelly said, you can do anything--and so well too!!

  14. This is so pretty! I love all the intense color and your coloring on that pumpkin is awesome.

  15. I love dropping by and seeing this wonderful card Jeanne. Fall is my favorite season and this card puts a smile on my face. TFS all the details with us and you've done a terrific job on this one.

  16. Jeanne, I love this bright orange!! That doily looks awesome in the color, the perfect backdrop for your pumpkin :) I also like that lace you used, too!

  17. Wow, such great colors!! Love your pumpkin card!! Cute and beautiful colored all the layers too. :))

  18. So pretty Jeanne! Love the burst of color and the beautiful doily! Thanks for inspiring!

  19. Beautiful Thanksgiving card, Jeanne! Love the doily and the lace!

  20. Hey there! I'm only a week behind! I hope you had a fantastic time at your son's cross country meet. Sounds like a great excuse to get out with a good book and just enjoy the day.
    This fall card is just oozing with warmth and coziness! I love the monochromatic orange design and the way the crochet trim complements the stamped doily.


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!