
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Eagle Scout Congratulations!

To say my family is heavily involved in Scouting would be an understatement.  My husband is a Scoutmaster, and I am the troop Treasurer.  Not a day goes by without a conversation about the troop!  The reward for all the time spent procuring supplies and organizing events is seeing the scouts grow from boys into independent young men.  This weekend one of the boys in my son's patrol is having his Eagle Scout Court of Honor.  This is the highest rank a Scout can achieve.  I wanted to make a special card for him that represents his path from Tenderfoot Scout to Eagle.
I started with BSA approved paper from K&Co.  I added a knot of twine (knotting is required for advancement and several scout badges), a Fleur De Lis (this is the symbol of scouting), a tent and campfire (for all those countless trips to the wilderness) and a transparency compass (so he knows where he's going and where he's been).  And, yes it does actually spin!! Yeahhhh!  I did it!!  I tried to keep it fun and colorful, yet still special enough for the occasion! And look mom, NO BOW!!
Thanks for stopping by and having a look!  Have a beautiful day - oh and always be prepared!
Supplies Used:  Finished Size 5" x 7"
Stamps:  Papertrey Ink Summer Camp
Tag Die:PTI, Fleur De Lis:Sizzix
Paper K & Company Boy Scouts of America, Papertrey Ink Pure Poppy, Rustic Cream
Compass Transparency Me & My Big Ideas Journey
Metal Arrow for compass center:  Tim Holtz
Ink:  Stampin' Up Real Red
Circle Punch
Markers:  Copic


  1. I love it! The colors and the collage effect are great!

  2. What a wonderful card for a special occasion. This card is all MAN! I like how you incorporated so many scouting icons into your card.

  3. What a great card, Jeanne! So many details... the knot, the tent, the compass,... Love it!

  4. Wow, what a beautiful gift for this young man . Jeanne this is such a well thought out card. You can see all the love that went into this . Its wonderful of you and your husband to volunteer so much of your time to Scouts and church. Love the compass ,and the fact it actualy works.

  5. Jeanne, this card turned out so cool! He is really going to appreciate it. That sure is an honor :)

  6. No bow? Is that a first? I love this, that is a fabulous stamp set to use for scouting, I love that knot. You have learned a lot from all that scouting talk too. And the compass smart and fun. He is going to love it.

  7. Congrats to your son' friend Jeanne! That is a HUGE honor! KUDDOS to him! This card is PERFECT for the occasion! Surely he will love it!

  8. Wow, what a great card!! It's so perfect for this special occasion. You incorporated so many Scout images and did it so well. I Love the compass and the knot! This will be a wonderful keepsake for your son's friend!

  9. Perfect card for this special honour - well done to him! Truly fantastic card Jeanne because it's so personalised - love the little tent and campfire and that brilliant knot. He's going to love this I'm sure!!

  10. A fab card for a young man! I love the bright funky colours, and images on this paper, and that knot is genius!

  11. Fabulous card and combining of all those elements! that was a challenge!!!

  12. I swear to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! Oh wait, that's not Scouts is it?? Hee hee...but the truth is...I LOVE IT! that knot is incredible and I love spinny things...WOO HOO! I tried one once and it tore the whole dang card. What a fantastic tribute to a young man who has done so much. I feel better knowing the world has young people like that in it. :)
    Nicely done Jeanne, nicely done!

  13. A perfect scout card! My son was in scouts when he was younger. And, my husband was assistant den leader. Those were fun times! You made a fabulous card for the young man! Congrats to him! I'm sure he'll appreciate this wonderful card!

  14. Jeanne, this is just breath taking... But then all of your cards are but this one for some reason just seems to stand out with that tent, fire, compass and your knot, just so perfect, I am sure this young man will be so amazed at what you have done just for him!

  15. YAY Jeanne! I LOVE the knot and the layout of this card, with all those fabulous colors. And I love that you're in CARDS....I can't wait to get that issue so I can see your project! Congrats!

  16. Thank you so much for sharing. I love this card. My son just achieved the rank of Eagle. This is the perfect card to make for his Court of Honor.


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