
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mojo Monday Sketch 210 - October 10, 2011 - Pink Thinking of You with Crown

Are you getting your mojo on?  Me, not so much today.  I took my car in for service -  that wound up taking several hours.  Just when I made it home the nurse from school called and asked me to pick up my son who is ill.  After making soup for him and then a big pot of curry for dinner I got time to sit down and play.   There's big benefits to dinners like soup, curry and chilli - you can make them ahead and steal some time for yourself.       I know it's Wednesday and the challenge is Mojo Monday, but it's not too late right?  The mojo hits when it likes and you have to take advantage of it whenever that may be!!!! 
 I made this pretty pink "Thinking of You" card for the sketch this week.  I started out with the map paper in the center and went from there.  I think this will be a great card for my daughter to send to one of her friends that are away at college. I really like the bright pink and that crown die has been one of my favorites since I first lay eyes on it.  
Of course I have a decent amount of the bling I am addicted to - the glittery plaid paper, the pearls on the crown, and that heart gem in the tag hole.  This is the first bow I've ever made with cord, but I think it turned out ok.  I hope you are having a great day and don't forget to Sieze the Mojo!

Supplies Used:    Finished Size:   5" x 7"
Stamp:  Just Rite Stampers Cling Fancy Tags
Die Cuts:  Spellbinders Tag for Just Rite, Nested Crowns, Fancy Tags 3
Border Punch:  Ek Success Double Embossed Dotted Lace
Embossing Folder:  Paper Studio Intricate Swirl
Ink:  Momento:  Angel Pink   Tim Holtz/Ranger Distress Antique Linen
Pattern Paper:  Plaid My Minds Eye Lost & Found Collection, Map K & Co.


  1. This is so gorgeous. I mean, seriously gorgeous. That map paper and the crown, how you thought to mix those two for such perfect results. The cord bow is perfection. Jeanne, this is so pretty and the layers of patterned paper, embossing and die cuts is just great. Winner, winner, winner for sure!

  2. Gorgeous card Jeanne! Love that ornate crown and the pretty in pink color combo! I sure appreciate your attention to detail!

  3. Jeanne - this is wonderful - I love the pearls on the crown! Such a pretty card!

  4. Fantastic project, Jeanne. Your crown is divine and the way you layered the sentiment is awesome. Great job.


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