
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Card Patterns Sketch 136 - Gears / Experience

Happy Thursday Everybody!  As predicted yesterday, my son is home sick today.  He is a teenager so any excuse to stay in bed is ok with him.  Mom waiting on him is just another plus.  I'm trying to keep it quiet for him so I'll use this as an excuse to do a little scrapping.  I'm behind this week playing the Card Patterns Challenge, but better late than never.  Hey did you hear - I'm the designer for the new challenge that comes out on Saturday??  Pretty exciting huh?

I switched up the pattern a bit this week - but I think you can see where I  got the inspiration from with this.  I just changed up the shape in the middle a little - but that is ok.  It's just for fun and it is subject to interpretation!  I made this one for my hubby - he works construction so I think he will appreciate all the different elements here.  I distressed here and there with sandpaper and ink to give it a rough feel for my manly man ;) !!  So if it looks a little roughed up - that was the plan.

Speaking of distressed, did you hear Tim Holtz is putting out a seasonal series of distress inks?  They come in a 3-pack of colors.  I had to special order the Fall 2011 set and used the Gathered Twigs on this card.  I hear there will be a Christmas collection as well - so keep your eyes open for them - I understand they are quite limited. 
I love these gear dies by Spellbinders - they are great for a lot of different themes - mechanical, steampunk, time etc.  I thought they would make a great pairing with this sentiment.   Can you believe I got a little bling in there and kept it manly at the same time?  AMAZING!  Thanks for stopping by for a peek - I hope you are playing along and check out my very first designer spot on Saturday at:

Supplies Used:  Finished size is 5" x 7"
Stamp: Tim Holtz Visual Artistry Collection Seamless Experience
Dies:  Spellbinders Small Labels, Gears
Border Punch:  EK Success Binding Edge
Ink:  Momento:  Rich Cocoa  Tim Holtz/Range Distress Gathered Twigs


  1. What a gorgeous card !!! You did a wonderful job with all the gears !
    Best regards Berdien

  2. Brilliant!! I love the steampunk look and the gears and sentiment - it's fabulous! Hope your son is feeling better now!

  3. It's a great card. I have no idea what steampunk is but I'm sure this is a top hit! :D

  4. Love the masculine feel to this and how you have added all the details. Beautiful card. Glad you joined us at Card Patterns this week!

  5. What a fun card Jeanne! Lovin' all the gears and the masculine vibe!


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