
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Hello Balloons!

Have you seen all the newest dies from Top Dog Dies?  You're going to flip when you see all the new goodies!  I'm posting with the new Balloons Set.

Want to see more and get all the details?  Just click here to jump to the post!

Finished Size 4.25x 5.5”
Top Dog Dies Balloons, Rainbow

Stamps:  Simon Says Stamp Handwritten Borders


  1. So bright and pretty! I love how you did the colors where the balloons overlap!

  2. this is so great! at first i thought it was vellum the way the colors "mixed" to form new colors...then I saw what was really going on! brilliant!

  3. I love the way you went "color correct" where the balloons overlapped!! This is fabulous Jeanne!!

  4. For whatever reason, I can't comment at Top Dog, so I'm heading straight back here to let you know I love, love and love this happy, vibrant, fabulous balloon card. LOVE!!

  5. This is so cute. Love how you overlapped the balloons, and the hello in the string.

  6. Love the rainbow colors and love balloons. Great job!

  7. Those are gorgeous balloons- so bright and fabulous design!!

  8. This Card is amazing how did you get the lines on the balloons lined up? Superbly executed!

  9. Wow! What a stunning balloon card! Puts the one I recently made for my nephew all to shame. I love the way the tail of that balloon has the message.

  10. I LOVE YOUR BALLOONS!!!! Such an amazing card with your layering. Awesome!

  11. You are so clever! Love the colors on the overlapped balloons! The 'hello' in the string and all the stars create an even more festive design.

  12. Oh my gosh the different coloured cardstock - genius! I am definitely going to try that- thanks for the inspiration.


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!