
Saturday, February 16, 2013


Happy Birthday Cathy!  You can thank Miss Joyce for any embarrassment you may be feeling at this very moment, but I am hoping you are feeling all the love - given back to you 100x's my friend. 

Cathy Weber aka the Empty Nest Crafter was one of the very first people I met on line. She has been my sounding board for every crazy thing I think about doing. She is my creative manager, my biggest fan and my best friend.  She always encourages me to try new things and makes me feel like I can do anything.   Pure and simply put she is just an angel in my life. 

For the longest time I have been saying that I would never get this Waltzingmouse Earth Angel Set - I simply feel that I've seen it done so many times - and so well (hint hint Miss Kelly) - that I couldn't touch this one. I know Cathy would tell me "fooey!  Bring it girl - lets see what you've got!" (well not in those words but...fooey  HAHAHA!!!) Some day I will really surprise Cathy and bring out the Sewing Box Hugs (the set I have officially dubbed as "hers").
Cathy - this one is for you in bright sunny colors to wish you the best birthday ever! Thanks for being the sunshine in my life - you mean the world to me Bestie!!

To continue on the blog hop here are the list of participants in order.

Jeanne             That's me so hop on over to Kara!

Supplies Used:  Finished Size:  5" x 7"
Stamps:  Waltzingmouse Earth Angel
Dies:  Cheery Lynn Francesca Border, French Pastry
Pattern Paper:  Echo Park For the Record Two Collection "Bouquet"
Card Stock Papertrey Ink:  Vintage Cream, Lemon Tart, Orange Zest
3/4" Orange Stripe Twill May Arts, 1/2" Peach Parfait Ribbon Stitched Polly Stampin Up!, Mandarin Twine Twinery
Copic Markers
Momento Tuxedo Black
Misc Button


  1. Simp-ly gorgeous Jeanne, I love these zesty colours, and I love the earth angel too.

  2. so pretty! love that sweet angel!

  3. Love it! This is one sunny bright happy birthday card! Love the happy polka dots. You can make any set into a work of art,and you proved it here. Your post is very sweet and sure to bring a happy tear to the birthday girl !

  4. Stunningly gorgeous...
    but they always are!
    And your bright, cheerful colors are perfect to define Cathy and her bright and cheerful nature...
    you pegged her right!! :)
    She will absolutely love this gorgeous "Jeanne" creation! :)

  5. I am speechless. Not really, but pretty close. This is the prettiest card and I can't believe you used the angel! For me! You should have used this set long ago...Fooey! No, I wouldn't have said it that way, but I do think you rocked it! I love the bright colors, you know I like bright colors and that chevron striped ribbon is so pretty. It wouldn't be YOU without some flowers and doilies, so this one will go down as one of my all time faves of yours. I appreciate you so much and believe me, we will meet in person one day! Thank You for the great birthday surprise!

  6. Jeanne the Earth Angel is positively too cute! I love all the fabulous colours you chose and the Lemon Tart doily is beautiful. Cathy is going to be so thrilled!

  7. What a wonderful and heart warming post. I agree with everything you said about Cathy--and she was one of my very first on line friends, and the first one I ever met in person, when we had our blind coffee date. Your card is so 'you' and so 'Cathy' it is perfect in every way.

  8. EEEK! I am so happy that you got this set, Jeanne!! I love how you stamped and colored Earth Angel! And love how you placed her wings, then die cut the whole piece out! And she's holding a birthday banner!! Next to a gigantic chevron bow! I know....callllm down, breathe, Kelly! And I am overusing my exclamation point key, but ask me if I care?!!!!!!!! I just love how sunshine-y this is. Makes me think of Cathy and her sweet smiling avatar ;)! Awesome birthday card!

  9. So beautiful! You've made the angel yours with the fab bow, pretty doily and lovely flowers! Ace!

  10. This is so pretty and so perfect for Cathy's birthday. I in love with all the incredible detail you added to make this the perfect birthday card!

  11. So cheery and wonderful! This is a terrific birthday card!

  12. what's the saying,..we R BORN-in-2
    our Families..but We Choose our Choose wisely,choose w/caution the one you will allow
    into your Hearts...It's so Joyful to have a friend...not like when we were kids...But..LIKE when we
    were KIDS!
    Enjoy each moment You spend togeher
    and most of all Celebrate the Joy!

  13. What a marvelous birthday card--and so perfect for Cathy! The colors are so wonderfully cheerful and I love the lemon yellow doily. The bow is gorgeous and best of all is your adorable Earth Angel--the sweetest way to say 'happy birthday'!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!