
Monday, August 8, 2022

Reverse Confetti August Blog Hop

Thanks for stopping by! It's the 8th of the month and that always means it's time for a Reverse Confetti Blog Hop! If you're hopping along you should have reached me from 
Joy Baldwin's blog. If you'd like to start at the beginning and get all the details you'll find them here at the blog.
We alternate new releases with existing releases every month. The next new release is next month so this month the team gets to share a project with any set they like.

It's back to school time and while I know all the kids aren't excited for summer to end, headed back to school is exciting too. We didn't have alot growing up so when school time came around it was like Christmas. My Mom would find the best deals on school supplies and reuse whatever was acceptable from the year before.
I always looked forward to that brand new box of crayons. We usually got only the 8 or 12 pack - I was so envious of the kids that got the 24, 48 or sometimes even more! But my little box of brand new unused crayons that still had points was heaven to me.
There's so many images in the School Days stamp set that I made two cards so I could use them all! I kept the layout the same for both to create a duo!
I started with the Split Circles Cover Panel. I cut strips of cardstock and adhered them to the reverse of the panel. In hindsight I think it might have been easier to put double sided tape behind the panel and do an inlay because it was a little tricky cutting the strips the right size.
I topped the panel with See Through Tags - I was originally going to make these shakers but decided the color from the background panel looked good. Copic colored images from the set are adhered in the windows to make scenes.
I think these would be great for teachers or notes of encouragement to  your favorite student! The next step on this hop is my sweet friend April Antonio!

Here's a complete list of all the designers with projects to share today!
Finished Size 4.25 x 5.5"
Stamps | Reverse Confetti School Days
Dies | Reverse Confetti School Days, See Through Tag, Split Circles Cover Panel

RC = Reverse Confetti
SSS = Simon Says Stamp

School Days
School Days

Schoool Days CC
School Days CC

See Through Tag
See Through Tag

Split Circles Cover Panel
Split Circles Cover Panel



  1. Your back to school bear and bus are darling!

  2. Oh, how I adore the reading bear!!! I want to use him to make a bookmark for each of my grandkids. LOVE THIS GUY!

  3. These are both as cute as they can be!

  4. Very cute cards. Perfect for back to school.

  5. So adorable, and why did I start singing “wheels on the bus go round and round!” Ugh!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!