
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Pretty Little Studio - Live In The Moment

Hi Friends! I hope you're having a great day! Lately one day is quickly fading into the other with very little to make one stand out more than another. While the country is "getting back to work" I'm still staying at home with my son who got laid off. We're trying to keep each other motivated and thinking positive.
I'm loving the new Pretty Little Studio Color Me Happy Collection. It's perfect timing for where my life is at the moment. The bright colors make me happy and the positive messages are welcome! 
I'm trying to live in the moment and feel so blessed for the time I have to get to know my son all over again as a young adult. I've discovered we both love the same music, junk food and movies!
This collection has lots of fun images like this cute owl from the Merry Go Round Die Cut Pack. He's standing over a simple sentiment from the Stay True Words pack. That cute little crown is in the Hear Me Roar pack.
I hope you're living in the moment too - making the most of what life throws at you and finding the rainbow!

Finished Size 4.25 x 5.5"
Pretty Little Studio
Paper | Color Me Happy 8"
Clear | Heart Eyes 8"
Die Cuts | Merry Go Round |Stay True Words |Hear Me Roar

1 comment:

Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!