
Friday, September 2, 2016

TYIC#55 - Batty Boo! Tag

TGIF!  Are you getting ready for a long holiday weekend?  I think we could all use a rest! LOL!  We go from the lazy days of summer - into the hot and humid dog days - and at the same time we're getting back into our fall routines.  That's a lot to ask isn't it?   Miss Moriko has been waking me up earlier and earlier every day - around 6:30 am lately..  It's good and bad - I get a little break from the heat during our morning walk, but I'm missing my zzzz's.  I think I did a bad thing feeding her first thing in the morning!! LOL!    The funny thing is that on days when I'm up earlier somehow I think I will have a few extra hours and get more done.  It doesn't work that way does it?

A new challenge begins today at Tag You're It!  If you love tags this is the place for you.  I love having a bunch on hand - especially around the holidays as a way to dress up an awkwardly shaped package, or a bag of treats.   And treat time is just around the corner isn't it?  This lovey tag is by our Guest Designer Melissa Bickford.   Here's what I loved about it.. the stamped colorful flowers, - I mean how cute is that flower dotting the "i"???   The pattern paper background backer tag, and that colored strip under the word die.
Sometimes it's hard to see how I was influenced... let me explain.  I repeated lots of elements from Melissa's design - switching up the theme for Halloween.  The flowers are now bats and stars - "smile" is now "boo!".  Instead of a pattern paper backer tag mine is a reptile pattern glitter paper.  Do you see it now? 
Now it's your turn!  I can't wait to see what you do with this fun design!   Join us at Tag You're It to see more samples from the design team and link up creations of your own! 


Stamps | Lil Inker Designs Bats & Broomsticks
Die | Lil Inker Designs Boo! Word Die, Anytime Tags 
Washi | MT Japan
Wood Veneer Stars | Studio Calico
1/8" Stitched Black Ribbon (My Stash)


  1. I like the sketchy look of those bats, this is cool!

  2. My Halloween-loving heart LOVES this tag! Love it, I tell you! That is all!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!