
Friday, September 16, 2016

Tupelo Designs - Hello Friend

Thanks for stopping by!  Happy Friday!  Are you ready for the weekend?  The weather is changing fast so you better start soaking up that sunshine while there's still time left.  We've got lots of word to do around the yard.  If it's cool we'll start to tackle some of them.. if it's hot.. nothin doin!  

Today I'm playing with some goodies from Tupelo Designs LLC.  They've quickly become my favorite place to shop because they have all the things I love.  Better than that they have quick delivery and FREE SHIPPING with NO CODE REQUIRED.  Add customer loyalty points that turn into dollars that you can use for future purchases and I'm sold!
If you love a one layer card this one is for you.  I admit I'm starting to gravitate toward things that are easy to mail myself.   This Circle Flower Set from Waffle Flower was fun to work with.  You're only limited by your imagination!  I can see these pretty flowers in lots of different colors and arrangements.  

This big bold sentiment in the set is strong enough to handle stamping over flowers without getting lost.  To get mine nice and dark I used a stamp tool that allowed me to double stamp it with Versafine Onyx Black ink.

All of the other elements I stamped with Altenew inks.  They're great for layering and the special ink formula blends as it soaks into your paper helping eliminate splotches and empty spots.  I'm this close (fingers spaced close together) to parting with some of my older dye inks.

I hope you'll give Tupelo Designs LLC a try.  You can find the store (and see all the different brands they offer for your one stop shop) here. 

Finished Size 4.25 x 5.5"
Stamps | Waffle Flower - Flower Circles
Dies | MFT Blueprint 20


  1. Wonderful card Jeanne, very cheerful!

  2. So you!!
    Bright and cheerful! :)
    And I'll have to go check this place out since I'm finding my crafty groove again. :)


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