
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Oh Magnolia!

It's getting around that time of year that I start to think about traveling! The kids will be out of school soon, and the weather is perfect for a road trip. Living in the North we love the change of scenery that you can find in the Southern United States. I've seen Magnolias here in the Midwest, but nothing like the huge Magnolia trees you find in the South with flowers larger than your hand! When I see this Magnolia die cut my mind immediately embarks on a day dream to the South where the trees form a canopy over the street and Spanish Moss hangs from the branches.
I selected papers from the You & Me Collection in pinks to perfectly match the colors in the magnolia. In addition to repeating the pinks in my design I also repeated the heart pattern on the pattern paper with the Journaling Bookmark Card from the Adore Set. If you look close you can see rows of bitty hearts along the top edge. Do you see the little bits of Cambridge lace doily peeking out the edges? So feminine right? The 4" size is perfect for an A2 (4.25 x 5.5") size card.
I love using the Flag Strips for simple sentiments. Each pack contains 30 die cut flags in a variety of colors so you're sure to find one to match the colors of your project. I stamped the sentiment on this one, but you can just as easily hand write a personal message.
I wanted to show you a dimensional photo of this card - you can see that the base for the card is flat. I wrapped twine around the base before adding the magnolia with adhesive foam tape. This adds dimension to the card and allows the twine to sit neatly under the raised die cut.
I'm always looking for a pretty thank you for friends, but this one would make a lovely Mother's Day card too! The flower looked a little lonely by itself so I added the perfect little visitor.. a butterfly of course! The Butterfly Bush package contains over 60 die cut butterflies for you to choose from. I settled on this grey one.. the neutral color matches the background paper and completes the scene.
Thanks for stopping by! Have a beautiful day!!

Finished Size 4.25 x 5.5"
Pretty Little Studio Products
Vintage Die Cut | Magnolia | Butterfly Bush
Pattern Paper | You & Me Collection
Book Mark Tags | You & Me | Adore
Flag Strips | Forever
Doily | Cambridge 4”
Waltzingmouse Teeny Trees
The Twinery Blossom Twine


  1. Your work is so pretty! Love this Jeanne!

  2. Beautiful design and absolutely gorgeous magnolia! Love the dimension!

  3. This is a showstopper and maybe my new favorite of yours!!!!!! Stunning!!!

  4. Delish! Wow! These die cuts are so striking and have such yummy details! Simply gorgeous, girl!

  5. Beautiful...just so beautiful Jeanne!


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