
Saturday, May 14, 2016

Inspired by - Geo Hello

Well we made it through the week!  It's finally Saturday!  I sure hope you have something good going on this weekend!  I'm thinking maybe a backyard barbecue.  It's been raining quite a bit here lately.  That's ok.. I like to sit outside under an awning and watch the rain fall.  How often do you get to do that?

More likely we'll be working on fixing things up in the yard so we can sit back and relax all summer.    Last weekend we put in a small fire pit.   Poor Miss Moriko - she hates the smoke.  She was born with good instincts.   It's still too early here to start on the garden.. but soon!

A new challenge begins today at Inspired by All The Little Things!   It's my week to invite a guest to play along with us and choose the inspiration photo!  I've been a fan of Kara Vrabel for some time now.  You might know her for her amazing backgrounds and for her work on the WPlus9 Design Team.   I'm lucky to have been on a DT with her - The 12 Kits of Occasions - a small group of good friends who all love to papercraft. 

Kara actually chose the inspiration photo this time.  I knew she'd pick something funky and fresh with a clean graphic style - wait until you see her card for today!

There's lots of ways you can spin this one.  I was drawn in by all those triangles and the color scheme.  I created my background using the My Favorite Things Triangle Screen.  I cut it several times in the different colors you see - off white, charcoal, orange, and yellow.

I taped the triangles in place on the reverse side of the die cut before adding pieces of  adhesive foam tape and adhering it to a panel of light grey card stock.  This is how I achieved the raised appearance and the light grey is peeking through the open holes. 
Next I topped that with a butterfly die cut from Memory Box called Fairyland Butterflies.   The bright yellow is just strong enough to stand out against that bold background.
I strategically had an area with several off white inlaid triangles that would be perfect for a small sentiment.   The Poppystamps Hip Hello fit perfectly.
To finish this off I added a few bright yellow enamel dots!  I'm really happy with this fresh clean card!  It's one of my favorites - something I would never have tried before!

Check out what Kara and the rest of the team made here at Inspired by All The Little Things!  Maybe a little push out of your comfort zone will surprise you too! 

Finished Size 4.25 x 5.5"
Dies:  MFT Triangle Screen | Poppystamps Hip Hello | Memory Box Fairyland Butterflies


  1. I LOVE this card. Everything about it. :) So beautiful.

  2. Oh, its gorgeous! Love the brightness of the background and the pretty yellow butterflies - really gorgeous!

  3. I am DROOLING over this card. So FUNKY and FABULOUS!! The colors are fantastic and now you are making me wish I bought this die!!! STUNNING card!!

  4. Great card, neat design and awesome color combination. Thank you for the inspiration.

  5. This is simply AMAZING, Jeanne! I love the geometric background, and the butterflies just take this card WAY over the top!!!!

  6. Love your card! The design and colors are awesome.

  7. What a cool and fun design! Love your take on the inspiration!

  8. Wow...what an amazing and wonderful card! I love all those gorgeous colors, so bright and vivid!

  9. Love the contrast of the geometric background with the delicate butterflies!! Great card Jeanne!!

  10. Love this inset layered card.

  11. Love how you captured the look of the graphic pattern and bold colors! The butterflies are a really fun addition!

  12. I was quite nervous about working with this inspiration photo, it really challenged me :) I LOVE the added butterflies on your card:)

  13. Stunning take on the inspiration! Loving all the dies, makes for such a striking beautiful card. :)

  14. This is fabulous, Jeanne! I love how you added the butterflies!

  15. What a fabulous take on the inspiration photo! LOVE the graphic design and the palette and those dainty butterflies and... Well, I just love it all!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!