
Monday, May 9, 2016

Congrats Graduates!

It's that time of year.. school is winding down and it's time to celebrate the achievements of our academics! I had two graduations to celebrate this year! I really enjoyed seeing the enthusiasm of the graduates and their parents - so joyful that their goals have been achieved! 

I used a rainbow of solid Twinery Twine to create a background for my die cut graduate border. I cut a panel of card stock slightly smaller than my card base and wrapped twine around it before attaching it to the card base. I did 6 rows of each color. I love the bright bold color - it makes a beautiful background.
I die cut the congrats word die on the edge of the border and left it in place. I put a piece of tape over the reverse so none of the letters or their centers would fall out. Because the twine background is thicker than paper I added adhesive foam tape to the die cut border before attaching it along the bottom of the card base.
I added a glue dot behind the graduates to keep them stuck in place.
The bright bold colors capture the vibrancy and energy of a celebration! The twine makes a fun quick background and the color combinations are limited only by your imagination - wouldn't using your school colors be amazing? Congrats Graduates!

Finished Size 4.25 x 5.5"
Twinery Twine Solid Blossom, Strawberry Pink Sorbet, Maraschino, Mandarin, Marigold, Honeydew, Pea pod, Caribbean
Dies: Taylored Expressions Eventful and Congrats


  1. Love the twine color blocking, and especially the enthusiastic die cut of grads. Is that die current?

  2. This is SO colorful, fun, and creative, Jeanne, LOVE!!!

  3. This is fantastic. I love your rainbow background, and that die of graduates is just perfect.

  4. What a fun die and a great design!! This is terrific Jeanne!

  5. Stunning in every way! The twine transforms this into a most spectacular congratulations card. In awe once again!

  6. What an incredible background and with your white die cuts, you are this card.

  7. What a fabulous design, and so creative! Love it!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!