
Wednesday, March 2, 2016


 OK so I totally blew it this morning!  If you came by earlier to check the latest Sugar Pea Designs Sketch you found something totally different here ... the sketch for two weeks from now!  My apologies!   Just when I think I've got it all together and I'm working ahead my brain slips a gear or something.  Ok That said... for sure we are on Sketch 43 and this is it!    Sugar Pea Designs has an amazing prize up for grabs every month - a $75 gift certificate to the store!   We have a sketch every week so you can work with the one you like.  If you play them all then you have more entries for the big prize!   It's a great excuse to get some extra holiday cards made too! 
The sketch for me takes lots of guess work out of what I'm going to make. I use the layout to help me decide what to put where. I knew I wanted to play with the Egg-a-licious set. Gotta get some Easter cards made and quick. I just flipped the calendar and Easter is THIS MONTH!! YIKES! Lots of planning to do for the big dinner!! 
 This layout was a great excuse to pull out the Stitched Flags Die Set.  The big blag is perfect for the sketch!  For my focal point - the circle in the sketch - I placed three colorful eggs.   Remember that the sketch is just for reference, a circle does not have to be a circle.
I felt like the eggs were disappearing into the pattern paper - so I did my usual trick - adding some solids to break up the patterns.  The border cut from hot pink, and white doily break up the designs enough for the eggs and their patterns to hold their own. 
 I adhered the eggs with adhesive foam tape so they pop up a bit.   The strip of twine helps break things up too and draw the eye around the design. 
 The finishing touch?  A sprinkle of sequins. I used some with a wood grain print  - again because they are neutral and help break up the design.

 OK now it's your turn!  Need a little more inspiration?  Here's some projects from the design team.  Click on their name to jump to their blog!

Our special guestie for March is Lisa Henke

I hope you'll join us!  You can link up your designs and get all the details here on the Sugar Pea Designs Blog.

Finished Size:  4.25 x  5.5"
Dies |  Sugar Pea Designs | Stitched Flags,  Egg-A-Licious | Memory Box Country Borders | Cheery Lynn Doily
Pattern Paper | Basic Grey | Fresh Cut
Sequins | Serendipity Stamps
Twinery Twine Pink Sorbet


  1. What a beautiful and happy Easter Card! I think I need those egg stamps!

  2. Here I am again !
    Your card was great, did not see it before !
    But this one is awesome !

  3. Oh, this is so fun and cheery! Wonderful card!

  4. How cute, Jeanne! I always love seeing what you've created. I need to do something like this for my little niece. I've never seen these Sugar Pea designs before, but it looks like I'd better check them out.

  5. This is amazing!!! Love the layers, the bright colours and the VIBE of your card!

  6. Oh, Jeanne, this is SO wonderful. The colors are so rich, and it all just makes me so happy.

  7. What a delightful mix of patterns Jeanne! This is bright, happy and perfect for Spring!

  8. Oh, this really says Spring! Love the gorgeous Easter design!

  9. Wow - love all the fun patterns and colors on this Jeanne!

  10. Ok, love that trick : add solid to break up patterned paper ! What a darling Easter egg card, Love this!

  11. I love the layers, design and bright fun colors!

  12. I am loving all the greens in your card! That gingham background is just gorgeous and the bright eggs just make me smile.

  13. Love all these fabulous colors and patterns! Beautiful card!

  14. Whether dotted, swirled or zig-zagged, your decorated eggs are such delights! A most snazzy Easter card in every way!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!