
Sunday, October 11, 2015

You & Me!

Ok I admit it!  I'm a girly girl!  I love pink, and doilies, and lots of fru fru things.  That's ok because I'm guessing I'm not alone!  Just tell me this image doesn't make you go "awwww"...

 I'm posting today at Pretty Little Studio with this "love"ly card for my Mom and Dad's Anniversary!   I know they will love the nostalgic look of the cute little couple,
My mom who is a "more is more" sort of gal will like all the extras like the seam binding bow, sequins and little heart pin.
Thanks for stopping by for a look!  I hope you have a terrific day!  

Finished Size:  4.25 x 5.5”
Supplies Used:
Die:  You & Me
Pattern Paper You & Me 8” Pink Frosting, Entangled Together
Baby Claire Confetti Mix
True Love Gold Flags
Button & Heart Pin Etsy
Cheery Lynn French Pastry Doily

¾” Soft Silk Ivory Ribbon, Ivory Button Twine May Arts


  1. Awww, what a sweet pair they are Jeanne!! This is a delightful card!!

  2. Oh my goodness, what a sweet little card, that couple is so adorable!!

  3. Jeanne, saw your card over at SCS and had to come for a closer look. My phone doesn't allow me to leave comment over at SCS so I'm leaving one here. This is the cutest and sweetest card for parents I've ever seen! The image just darling and beautiful finished touches with bow. Definitely on my list of favorites for the week. Wishing you a lovely weekend.

    Proud SCS Fan Club member (personal blog)


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!