
Friday, October 30, 2015

Twinery Stash Your Stash Blog Hop!

Are you hopping with The Twinery today?  If you are you should have reached me from Jen Cuthbertson's blog.  If you want to start from the beginning you can get all the details here at The Twinery Blog.   There's lots of goodies up for grabs today  including a prize on EVERY blog you visit on the hop!   Today instead of sharing projects were showing you how we store our twine.  You should find great ideas for storage no matter if you buy the sampler packs or the entire spools.  

So now you have your twine - how should you store it?   What?  You don't have twine?  That's ok - we have a great deal for you today - enter code STASH25 for 25% off your entire order through 11-6.

I confess - I'm a bargain hunter.  If it's on sale, I'm there.  I'm also always looking at what I get for the price.  Purchasing entire spools of twine has always been my personal choice because lets face it - I'm getting 240 yards on a roll for $14.00.  That works out to be around 6 cents a yard.  And honestly I put twine on just about EVERYTHING!   

Since I'm investing in the big spool of course I want to make sure I keep it clean and dust free so that it looks beautiful every time I use it.  I'm not saving anything if my spool decides to meet some of my other crafty supplies like glue or ink by accident.   I saw this coffee creamer idea in a magazine years ago and have been using it ever since.

I purchase the glass coffee creamer jars at the local dollar store.  Yes they still have them - I checked today.   I love that I can see exactly what color is in which jar.  My twine is safe from my inky fingers and I an dispense exactly as much as I like through the creamer hole in the top of the jar. 

Another big plus?  I know lots of us like to write down what products we used on our creations.  As I use more twine the snug Twinery label telling me the name of the color is getting looser.  You can see on the very first photo that the label on the Lilac twine is very loose.  I've been using it, and the spool is getting smaller.  With the creamer jar the label is staying in the jar - it's not falling off.  I can also easily see when I'm starting to run low and it's time to reorder.
I keep the jars on a shelf above my work desk - they are arranged by color and don't take up much room.  

They also brighten up my work space.  I love being surrounded by all these pretty colors!  I 'm always sure to find a match for any project.
OK.. here's what you've been waiting for...


Each designer participating in the hop will be giving away a Striped Twine Sampler ($18 value).

To enter just comment on each post along the hop. (And since each designer is giving away a Striped Twine Sampler, each post is another chance to win!).

Comments will close at midnight (EST) on Tuesday, November 3rd.

Winners will be posted on The Twinery blog on Thursday, November 5th.

The next stop on this hop is Amy Crockett!

Here's a complete list of all the designers on the hop today!

Jeanne Jachna - That's Me!
Want to go shopping?  Don't forget the special discount!  Enter code STASH25 for 25% off any order through 11/6


  1. Wow Jeanne, these are such wonderful dispenser ideas for twine.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. Beautiful! I used to have all my twine spools in Mason jars, but since I don't have a craft room I had to go for something a little more compact. Thanks for sharing.

    - Tifany

  3. I love how you have stored your twine--what a happy way to put some color into your craft room decor.

  4. That is SO clever, Jeanne :)
    Everything looks so neat and tidy... I can't imagine you making a mess anywhere!
    Thanks for sharing. X

  5. I love how you have your twine stored. I have almost all the colors too and I haven't used any of it in quite awhile. I need to remedy that for sure.

  6. This is a fantastic idea! Being able to keep the labels with the twine is a real bonus. Glad you shared this.

  7. This is such a beautiful way to store and display twine!

  8. I love this storage idea. Form and function, pretty plus a great price, and it keeps the twine neat and clean. I want to copy this technique ASAP.

  9. That is the greatest idea. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Just popped in to say what a beautiful idea and so clever. The best part is, as you say being surrounding by beautiful colours and things...just love it!

  11. Fun storage idea. I can only imagine all the colorful goodness on your shelf.

  12. I don't use enough twine to justify buying the big rolls, but I had to pop over here and tell you how much I LOVE how you've organized yours lol!! I am a bit of an organizational freak and seeing your twine all lined up beautifully on the shelf in those glass containers makes my heart flutter :)

  13. I love the look of all your jars lined up on the shelf! YUM! Do you have a post with pictures of your whole craft room? I'd love to see it!! thanks for sharing! I'm crossing my fingers to be a winner!!

  14. Wonderful idea! I saw some salt/pepper shakers like this once. They would be good for the smaller spools.

  15. GREAT idea! The coffee creamer idea is terrific and works so well for those big spools! It's no surprise you have a lot of pretty twine on your projects if you can access it easily!
    Take Care!

  16. Had to pin this to my Pinterest board for when my craft room is put together. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Love this idea and the way it looks. I don't have room for shelves but think it's great.

  18. I have picked up a few of these at garage sales to store my spools of twine. Great idea to leave the label in.

  19. so much fun Jeanne...that is the way I store my large spools too. I love that look of the sugar dispensers.

  20. Jeanne, this is absolutely brilliant!!! Have you ever shared a picture of your craft room in its entirety? I'd love to see it!

  21. Better yet...I'd love to visit and see it in real life. ;)

  22. Yet again, dazzled by your brilliant! Your sugar dispensers renovated as twine holders is not only practical but gosh darn pretty, to boot! One of the 'local' craft supply gals carries some of The Twinery twines (the 15 yards size, I believe), just to see what it was like (as I'm not into ribbons, etc. but need something for my tags) and WOW! Impressed! When next she has a sale, I'm stocking up - and the best part is my husband can pick them up when he heads to the city! I'm adding my voice to the others: I'd love to see your craft room!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!