
Friday, October 23, 2015

Tag You're It! Challenge #33 - Ghostie Tag

Do you love tags?  I know I do.  I love the way they can dress up anything from a gorgeous gift to a bag of chocolate chip cookies.  It's getting chilly in the Chicago area so I'm starting to bake again.  The last few times have been a total disappointment - I'm out of practice and missing something.   I mean flat chocolate chips?  Come on!  I KNOW I can do better than that!    I will keep at it - with pumpkin everything at the store I think I'll be making some pumpkin bread or pie this week.   So yes.. I love my tags!  A tag and a bow and it's good enough to give away!  
Here's the latest inspiration at Tag You're It from Kara Lynne Pogreba!  CAS goodness for you this time!  I love the cute little candy corn, zig zag border and complementing paper pattern on either end of the tag.  Ohhh.. can't forget that satiny ribbon either.. swoon!
Here's my version of CAS.. LOL!  I stuck with the pattern paper at the top and bottom of the tag and that neat zig zag border.  I kept the layout mostly white and replaced the candy corn with a ghostie! 
Now it's your turn!  I'd love to see how YOU interpret Kara Lynn's design!  Join us over at Tag You're it to see samples from the rest of the team and to link up your design!

Dies:  Top Dog Dies, Ghost, Haunted House, Circle, Dotted Borders
Pattern Paper   Pink Paislee Hey Kid 6"
Corner Chomper Angle
Google Eyes
Caribbean Twinery Twine
Copic Markers
Twisted Ivory Burlap May Arts
Ribbon 1/2" Stitched Polly Peach Parfait Stampin Up!


  1. Love this tag, Jeanne, so so CUTE!!!

  2. i LOVE your version of CAS, Jean! This tag is adorable! I love the pretty aqua ghost. That's a fresh take!

  3. Jeanne, this is fabulous! I love your aqua blue ghost and his goggly eyes! As always, I admire your wonderful details! I mean, come on! Those buttons are adorable!

  4. You 'nearly' distracted me with your tantalizing chat about chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin bread, but...I resisted (although I'm all about both of those things, too!). Focusing on this utterly delightful, charming, adorable ghostie tag you've created! Your signature style - cute AND classy - shines here! This tag, attached to a bag of baked goods, is as much a gift as the baking itself!
    Do you have any idea how you've brightened and added sparkle to my day? This much *arms outstretched* THANK YOU!

  5. Just the right amount of spookyness here, love your sweet tag.

  6. What a cut little tag!! We just finished up a pumpkin pie...mmmmm!!

  7. Love this happy Halloween tag--nothing scary here! Your ghost is adorable!

  8. I love the colors on this, Jeanne! Love how fresh and fun it is for Halloween, especially the aqua googly-eyed ghost!

  9. No spooky ghosts are welcome in every home :-) your brownie is extremely friendly! Place the pieces on the card is the perfect, were able to preserve the illusion of multidimensionality. I love this tag.


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!