
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

CASology - Umbrella
All Weather Friend

I got up early today for a trip to the dentist.  I guess I was nervous because I got up REALLY early.   I made it to my destination with an extra 20 minutes to spare and picked up some donuts for the ladies there.  They've seen me at my worst  - some very down times and a very thick personal file - just a small thanks for how nice they are.  And some good karma too if you believe in the "what goes around comes around" because I have a clean bill of health - no cavities.  I will be going forward with a crown next week - something I couldn't afford to do when I should have.  One dental emergency at a time - and the implant took priority.  :)

Moving forward.. it makes me realize how little things make a huge difference - a small thank you .. a little note.   I'm playing along at CASology today - their cue word is Umbrella - and while it is the perfect fit for showers of gifts, it's also a perfect little pick me up - and I'll be ready the next time I recognize when a little hug in the mail might be in order! 
Ahhh the power of three!  In my favorite colors of course!   Have a great day!

Supplies: Finished Size 4.25 x 5.5"

Stamp & Die:  WPlus9 Pretty Patches Umbrella


  1. Fantastic colours to make a rainy day sunny! Thank you for sharing with us at CASology!

  2. You are such a giving person Jeanne! Glad you had a great check up ! You must have a MISTI because your stamped image is so vibrant! What a darling card. We got rain today!!!!!

  3. Those umbrellas are just too cute! I love the patterns and colors! I'm sorry you've had dental issues, it's got to be a pain in more ways than one.

  4. Jeanne--I am always so happy when I see you playing along at CASology. You do CAS so well (as well as every other style). This is a very sweet card, and I love the colors and patterns you used for your umbrellas. Thanks so much for playing along at CASology this week.

  5. In LOVE with this perfectly CAS card.Gorgeous bold colors and awesome execution !
    Just the way I like it!
    Thanks for joining Casology Jeanne!

  6. OOOOOH OHHHHHHH LOVE this CAS beauty, Perfect!!!!!!!!

  7. This is fun and cheerful - the perfect pick-me-up! So glad you joined us at CASology this week!

  8. What a perfect card to start off the gallery, Jeanne. Those umbrellas are adorable and I love the colours! Thanks for playing along with CASology this week and glad the trip to the dentist was a success!

  9. Well, aren't you such a sweet person! (Glad you didn't have any cavities!) These are three of the sweetest umbrellas I've seen...great colors, great CAS design! Thanks for joining in the fun at CASology!

  10. Given my terror of dentists (quite severe, actually), I'm applauding your courage in even stepping foot in the office! Great to hear the appointment went well and oh my! What a sweetheart you are to treat the gals to donuts! Yes..karma! Thank you for the reminder about the power of the 'little' things and as card-makers, we have plenty of little things to brighten someone's day. I need to start mailing more of my creations, just because! You, my friend, are certainly a ray of sunshine in my life...hope you know that! Love your umbrella card...sweet, sophisticated, heart-warming!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!