
Monday, August 31, 2015

The 12 Kits of Occasions - August Edition
A Spoonful of Sugar

Hi and thanks for stopping by!  Can you believe it's that time already?  Gosh August has just sped by in a flash - I'm actually posting LATE today because I didn't realize it was the last day of the month.  Why in the world did I think that was tomorrow?  Better late than never and I hope you will forgive me.   Not familiar with the 12 Kits of Occasions?  We're a  group of 12 friends that love to paper craft.  We take turns making a kit for the group.  We all get the same supplies, and get to work.  On the last day of the month we share what we made.  SO fun to see what we did the same and what we did differently.

Our hostess with the mostest this month is Michele Ferguson from I Card Everyone!  Michele put together an amazing kit full of wonderful images from Avery Elle, Verve and My Favorite things.   You can get a complete list of all the products featured as well as a sneak peek from all the designers with projects here on the 12 Kits of Occasions Blog.   Our theme this month is "A Spoonful of Sugar".  So get ready for get well and friendship cards.  No one makes us feel better than our crafty friends.   
There is usually a tricky element included in the kit that I want to keep an eye out for - something that I had a hard time coming up with ideas for.  This time for me it would be the clear Kiss Kiss stickers.  Michele told us there was a "secret ingredient" in the kit - I can't wait to find out what that was!!   Maybe the wood spoon?
I had no trouble with that!! I painted mine pink, wrapped it with some washi and dipped it in some giltter "sugar".  I'll be using this as a tag on a little gift basket filled with tea, honey and some other "necessaries" for a sick friend.
I made another little pocket tag to stuff with goodies.  Michele gave us a little package of green tea - so tempted to make it and drink it myself.. but did behave in the end, tucking it it the tag and adding  a wood spoon from my own stash.  
Ready for more?  You can hop to the 12 Kits Blog or use this handy little list to hop around!  

 Michele Ferguson - I Card Everyone  (August Hostess)
Marybeth - It's Time For Paper

Have a great day and thanks again for having a look around! 


  1. Hi Jeanne!
    Your cards are so beautiful!
    I love whole design of this!

  2. JEANNE!!!! Oh my gosh, and gracious!!! You've done a splendid job... and nearly bowled me over with that darling spoon!! I'll bet you have fun at those yogurt bars, don't you? There's one of your beautiful bows, too - thank you, once more, for your generous heart!!
    =] Michele

  3. These are wonderful! Love all your cards and projects!

  4. I just LOVE your collection this month, Jeanne! Always my favorite! I think I am just drawn to your bright, bold color and style! Each card is a winner!

  5. You have quite the line up of prettiness here Jeanne!! Your spoon is adorable!!

  6. What a cool idea and love each project you made Especially the spoon!
    Dr Sonia
    Cards Crafts Kids Projects

  7. I was so happy to see your post--worried that something was wrong when I checked this morning. Having the wrong day would be normal for me! LOVE what you did with Michele's kit! The star of the show has to be the spoon--so very clever! LOVE it!! The PI image is so adorable. What did you color her with? The soft colors are so pretty. Love the gold honeycomb background and the gorgeous bow on your last card. That one is real stunner!

  8. Jaw on floor, but not sure why I am so surprised at the beauty of this amazing post. Oh my gosh , loving the spoon and the tea bag tag. That last card is my fav, with all the pink and white so very pretty!

  9. Wow, Jeanne, your creations are all WONDERFUL, and what a fun collection of supplies to work with!

  10. Too hard to pick a favorite this month, with you! Have to slow down and study each element. Oh the spoons! Dipped in sugar? Too clever. Adore the tea tag. You never fail to inspire!

  11. totally rocked Michele's kit! I love all your cards but that onw with the spoon is my favorite, love the added sugar.

  12. Oh, my word, that kit was something else, wasn't it? I can tell because the hits just kept on coming and coming here, Jeanne! You put a lot of time and thought into making each of these creations a work of art!! Hugs, Darnell

  13. Oooh!! My favourite time of the month!! Just LOVE what you have done with this amazing kit, and that spoon!!! EEEK! SOOO cute!! You must have such a blast with this each month! Wow!

  14. No surprise to me that you made an assortment of beautiful projects!! You amaze me each and every time Jeanne. Your last card is amazing in all it's layered goodness, I wish I had the supplies leftover to CASE your first card (I love it so much), and I absolutely love that you made some non-card projects...seriously, how fun is your spoon?

  15. Amazing collection of cards, Jeanne. So colorful and wonderful. I am in awe of your spoon. (Is that weird of me???) Love what you did with ever single thing in this kit, and I am so glad I have so many leftovers.

  16. Jeanne what a gorgeous collection of cards from Michele's kit! Your colouring on the first card is perfect! What you did with the spoon though is so pleasantly unique And the pocket for the teabag--bravo. I actually drank mine! ROFLMAO. More highlights the woodgrain, the hexagon background and the last card so elegant. Each. Are so very different!

  17. Hello my friend! Time to add some comments to all the gazing and admiring your cards have received! Apologies for being so late: work and travel, travel and work (and a heaping helping of being a bit stressed by both...mainly work). Anyway, an exclusive Jeanne-only gallery walk is guaranteed to lift my spirits so...away I go. You received a lovely kit from Michele, but its the addition of your creativity that elevates each card to stellar, outstanding and amazing! I'm in awe at the magic that unfolded here! I love them all, although the little tea tag...smitten with that! WOW...


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!