
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

12 Kits of Occasions - Tickled Pink

Hi and thanks for stopping by!  I was in such a rush today that I almost forgot to post this!  I'm into the wee hours of the night!  Work is a little slow for DH so he surprised me with a day off.  We decided that instead of worrying about lost wages that  we should make the most of these opportunities.  So we jumped in the car and drove into the City to the Art Institute of Chicago.  It's been so long since I've been there!   Its amazing how many galleries and objects of art are on display there.  Really.. another great day! 

It's the last day of the month (I know right?).  That means it's time for the 12 Kits of Occasions. The 12 kits is a group of friends (and card makers)  that take turns supplying the rest of the group with a "kit" of goodies... think stamped images, pattern papers, trims and die cuts.   On the last day of the month we all post our creations and see how we used the supplies differently or in some cases.. not too often.. the same.    There is usually a trixie item in the kit that I'm not sure what to do with or that i think you should look out for because it's unique or unusual.  This time I think it would be the paper straws.   Keep an eye out for them!  You will want to file these in your "try me" file.   I did use one of the straws after completely destroying the first one lol!  I pressed it in my die cut machine... and used it like a ribbon trim.  What did the other designers do??? Hmmm.....  We'll have to see!!

The hostess this month is Tracey McNeely from In My Creative Opinion blog, and the theme is "Tickled Pink" - feathers, mother's day, flowers etc.  What an amazing kit of fun new things for me to try.  Lots of Simon Says Stamp images and pretty bright papers from Doodlebug.  You know I love pink, and I love flowers so I'm all over this kit!  Tracey is on lots of design teams and is Queen of all things CAS.  She has a wonderful way of embracing the white space and her designs never look empty.   I originally intended to CASE her - with a few clean designs of my own... but  I wouldnt say I was successful! LOL!!  I made 5 cards so here goes!!! 
Loving this pre-stamped image from Tracey - look at all the colors she stamped on this one!!

Ready to see what the rest of the group did?  You can see a "sneak peek" from each designer as well as a link up to their blog here on the 12 Kits of Occasions Blog.    We have a special guest this month too!  Suzanne Dahlberg!  I hope you'll hop over to her blog and say Hi!  Suzanne was one one of the original members of the 12 kits!  It's so nice to have her playing along this month. 

I'm also entering at Simon Says Work It Wednesday Challenge!


  1. Jeanne, I just LOVE what you did with this April kit! So fresh and colorful!They are ALL terrific!

  2. Hi Jeanne, amazing beautiful cards you have created here..
    Love the colours with pretty papers and those gorgeous stamp design..
    Hope you enjoyed your outing..
    Hugs Pam x

  3. Hi Jeanne!!! Another thumping my head moment! Those darling tiny paper-clips!! Your cards are delightful - LOve the yellow "phlox?" do you know what kind of flower that is? OH beautiful, that's what!
    =] Michele

  4. Beautiful cards Jeanne. .so vibrant, cheerful; your artful designs are such fun to view. A great way to start my day.

  5. Beautiful cards as always Jeanne, love those hot colours, now we just need the hot weather to match!

  6. Your collection of cards is absolutely stunning, Jeanne. Really. Bursting with color and beauty. I think my favorite is the last one. I love how you colored that flower ( you probably even know what kind of flower it is) and flattened the straw. That was brilliant.

  7. So many gorgeous card Jeanne--wow! As much as you compliment me on CAS I envy you on how you are able to create such fabulously layered cards! A beautiful assortment and way to rock out the products I sent you!

  8. These are all so gorgeous, Jeanne! I knew you would work magic with all the florals and pretty patterned papers! I think I need a lesson on doilies as I kind of messed mine up a little. Yours is perfect! Love all your designs but my favorite is that beautiful yellow creation. How clever that you flattened your straw!

  9. Good for you to make the most of it! Worrying only takes away today's joy.
    You did a fabulous job with Tracy's kit it's so you ! Beautiful papers layers and pinks . Is that the straw o. The last card? Love it!

  10. many wonderful cards and all with so many amazing details! Just so incredible. I love how you used that fabulous paper straw, can't wait to play with mine now. Thank you so much for all your incredible inspiration.

  11. Jeanne, you really rocked this Kit!! I love how bright and cheerful your cards are and how so many of them are cards of encouragement!! Have a great weekend!! Hugs, Darnell

  12. You and I were really thinking alike this month! I love how you used the straw on the Mother card and i also loved the feathers dangling from the twine. It sounds like you had a great day with your's nice to do something different once in awhile!

  13. Oh my! So many pretty cards Jeanne! I love that bright yellow Mothers Day card! Gorgeous flower and love how you used the straw too! So beautiful! Looking forward to playing along in May! Got my kit today!!!

  14. Very colorfull and beautifull project! Full of fantastic energy!

    I invite you to my blog:

  15. Jeanne, I hope your trip to Chicago was awesome! I wonder if you were there at the same time as me! And I am returning there at the end of this month - how far do you live from there?

    As always, your cards are gorgeous. You have the BEST eye for color, I am jealous and so inspired. I think your feather card is one of my all time favorites! I just love how you've hung them upside down like that!

  16. Wow, Jeanne! As always, SO much beauty! I think that the yellow one that you have last is my favorite, it is just a stunner. I love how you have the feathers hanging down in the feather card. I never thought to do that, but it looks awesome! Then the second and third card are just so colorful. You sure have an eye to know how to make things pop!

  17. Jeanne, you always always always amaze me with the variety of your layouts. These cards are amazing! My favorite has to be your beautiful yellow blooms. As soon as I saw them on the group post I was wishing I could erase the pink on mine and redo the card. As always, each and every detail on your cards is just perfectly wonderful.


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!