
Monday, January 12, 2015

Poppystamps Blog Blitz Begins!!

A blog blitz begins today at Poppystamps.  It's a great way to see all the newest products and get a chance to win on every post from Jan 12 -27.  You have until Jan 31 to leave a comment on all the post's you'd like to enter.  

Here's a peek at my project today.  If you'd like to see more and leave me a comment to win the new True Love Stem  just click here. 


  1. I woke up to see your beautiful card, what a perfect way to start my day. You put a big smile on my face, thank you for sharing.

  2. I already saw this card at Poppystamps and it is one of the most beautiful shaker cards I have seen to date!

  3. Jeanne - love your Valentine card; so clever. Judy Hemker a/k/a

  4. Gorgeous card and I have to agree with Marybeth, this is the most beautiful shaker card ever!

  5. This is such a gorgeous shaker card! I love the inlaid frame and the focal stem die is beautiful.

  6. This is lovely Jeanne! Off to check out the Poppystamps blog right now!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!