
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

CASE Study Challenge #163 - Ahoy!

 Hi and thanks for stopping by!  I hope you are having a good week!  It's getting cold here in Northwest Indiana - yes you can see your breath!!  We had our first frost a few days ago - and it looks like it's here to stay.  I always try to hold off  turning on the furnace for as long as I can between summer and winter.  I was hoping for at least one super low utility bill - maybe I could turn that in to extra crafty money?  But today I broke down and turned it on.   I might as well stop fighting it and be comfortable!    Yes I know... I'm a stubborn lady!  

It's Thursday!  And you know what that means right? Time for a new CASE Study Challenge.  Our muse this month is Elena Roussakis from Just Me Prints blog She has a beautiful way of making every day just extra ordinary - think pretty treat bags, fun place settings, dressed up cupcakes, and all sorts of other eye candy.  Check out the inspiration for this weeks challenge.   So what do you see?   Lots of pink and white?  Ballerinas?   Pretty flowers?  Tags?  Take it in what ever direction moves you.  What did I see?   I saw some sweet parting gifts for guest to take with them.  So I made some little pirate booty treat bags for little hands to load up with candy.   The bags were a great deal from The Carrier Bag Store.  I had to buy quite a few but I can use the red for lots of holidays including Valentines, Christmas, and the 4th of July.
The tags have a jumbo eyelet to keep with the pirate theme and I used a thick burlap rope to tie them to the bags.  They are simple enough that you can make a whole bunch in no time at all. 

Looking for a little more inspiration?  Check out projects from the rest of the DT and see all the wonderful directions this one went!  Our special guest designer this month is Michelle Williams!

Chupa - Iwona Palamountain
Amy Wanford
Andrea Ewen
Clare Buswell
Debbie Hughes
Jean Martin
Maureen Plut
Tasnim Ahmed 
Maureen Merritt
Silke Ledlow

If you'd like to be the next guest designer at CASE - put a "GD" behind your name when you link up your entry.  I hope I see you there!    Have a great day!

Supplies Used:   Finished Size 5x7"
Stamps:  Clearly Besotted Ahoy!
Dies:  Spellbinder Labels 28
Card Stock:  SU! Night of Navy
Ink:  SU! Real Red, Memento Nautical Blue
Twisted Burlap May Arts
Silver Jumbo Eyelet We R Memory Keepers
Striped Treat Bag The Carrier Bag Store


  1. You are always so creative with the inspiration photo Jeanne...where all I see is pink and white, you see a cute pirate treat bag! Love what you have done and am looking forward to seeing those red/white bags for future holidays!

  2. Oh awesomely cool!
    LOVE the colors...
    perfect for a fun treat! :)
    And I broke down and turned on our heat tonight...
    hitting the low 30's...
    and possibly into the 20's so it was time.
    But I had hoped for a month with no unit running for a low bill...
    forget that. :(
    Enjoy the cozy warmth!

  3. My, my, am I really that behind on my blogs. What a super fun treat bag you made.


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!