
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

SSCB#20 Watercolor

Fall is in the air today - the weather is cool and I'm just loving it!  I've got the air conditioner off, the windows open and cookies in the oven!!  I even took my stinker binker for a walk.  I've graduated from my physical therapy class, now I need to keep strong and work those arms at home.  Who knew that cranking out those dies helps keep your shoulder strong?  I just need to start doing that with my left arm!  That is still a bit awkward but I expect with more practice I'll get the hang of it!  

Today starts a new challenge at  Serendipity Stamps.  Twice a month a challenge is offered up and one random winner walks away with a $20 discount off their next order.  Everyone is a winner though because the sale this week is 40% off your highest priced item (through 10-2- use code "40fromhigh913").  And more good news - there is a new fancy die coming out  SOOOOOON!  You'll be able to get a peek at it on 10-18 when we will be doing a blog hop to celebrate.

Mary the owner of Serendipity Stamps likes to keep us on our toes and expand ourselves creatively.   This time we were to add watercolor to our projects.  I do like to water color - but mostly on vacation when I can't take my die cut machine and all my other favorite things with me.  I usually grab a pad of paper, pencils and a mini watercolor kit.  This was a little harder for me - water coloring a stamped image.  The tricky part was the paper.  I was going for smooth to get a good impression - but the smooth paper seemed thinner and got very wrinkly when I hit it with the water color.   SO I went for the thick textured stuff.  It held up fine with the water, but I was worried about the quality of the impression.  Turns out it worked fine as long as I added a sheet of foam under it while I stamped it.  That allowed for just enough give to get the fine detail of the image.   I also used Versafine Ink that is oil based so it repelled the watercolor. It kept the watercolor "inside the lines" and didn't cover up the detail of the image.

Now it's your turn!  You don't have to watercolor the image like I did - you can water color the background or foreground - or just the parts you want.  Just have fun with it!  Need a little more inspiration?  Check out projects from the rest of the design team.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

Autumn Wreath LgWe Give Thanks
Supplies Used: Finished Size 4.5 x 6.25"
Stamps: Serendipity Stamps Atutumn Wreath
Paper: Watercolor Paper, SU! More Mustard
Ink:  Versafine Vintage Sepia
Watercolor Paint


  1. So beautiful Jeanne, this image reminds me of Georgian plasterwork, it's so intricate and very vintage looking. Lovely job on the watercolouring, and the sentiment is perfect too.

  2. Gorgeous...absolutely gorgeous wreath with the water color pretty!

  3. This is so pretty Jeanne. I find that if I heat embossing the image it help me stay in the lines....hope that is not cheating:) love the beautiful fall colors.
    Keep that shoulder strong your feeling a bit better?

  4. Cookies in the oven...I'll be right over! What a beautiful card. I love the image that you chose and the jewel tones you colored with. I'm so getting into fall with all these great cards!

  5. Gorgeous as always...
    and it looks so great with the vibrant colors!
    I haven't jumped on the watercolor bandwagon yet...
    I always hated them...
    oils were more my speed because I could control them better...
    but I'm seeing the watercolors everywhere so maybe I should try them again...
    maybe! ;)

  6. Such a lovely fall wreath, Jeanne! Love the colors and CAS layout. I love fall and it can't come soon enough for me.

  7. Just gorgeous your watercolors, so sweet for fall.

  8. Love that wreath and your watercoloring is lovely. Perfect sentiment too Jeanne!

  9. Great tip about the versafine ink...this is beautiful Jeanne, love the fall colors and the watercoloring is perfect.

  10. love the colors...did you get a new watermark? I like it!

  11. This is just beautiful, and perfectly colored.


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!