
Thursday, September 19, 2013

CASE STUDY #158 - Sweet Pea's

Whew!  What a busy week!   I survived senior night and the zig zag folding of 42 home made pinwheels (my poor crampy fingers)!   I got a beautiful daisy corsage (school colors are white and blue) and my photo taken with my favorite high school senior! (yes - my son!!)   We all had a pot luck dinner.  My favorite part of the evening was watching the seniors open gag presents from the rest of the cross country team.  They were supposed to pick out something inexpensive that would help the recipient guess who it was from. There were all sorts of things like silly string, Frisbee, a jar of honey, a dream catcher etc.  I know what???   right?  The silly string was from a boy who is always silly, a jar of honey by one who got stung at a meet (did you think I was going to say he is sweet?), the Frisbee from someone who lost the one that belonged to the team, and the dream catcher from an American Indian.  There was even a bag of sand and a crab apple in there!!!  Apparently someone got sand in their eye, and another one likes to throw crab apples - crazy boys!  What I loved about this was that it showed how well they knew each other and what a close group of young men they are. 

 It's Thursday so there is a new challenge today at CASE Study!  Our muse this month is Kathy Racoonsin from The Daily Marker Blog.  She's got some amazing coloring abilities, and lots of clever ways to use products like die cuts, vellum, and ink.  This lady has been taking me to school all month.  

Check out her design for this week.  Remember focus on the elements of the design that you love and spin it in your own direction.  What had me drooling over this?  First I love a shped card.   I thought it was so smart that she repeated the flower image in the background of her design.  The strip of white embossing added lots of texture and the black highlights in the flower and the trim are so eye catching!  So here's what I came up!  I made a shaped card, stuck with the flower theme and basic layout of the card.  My background is PINK and embossed to pick up on the texture - and you know me - I had to throw in a little gem before I could consider it complete! 
For more inspiration visit the rest of the CASE Study Design team.  I love seeing all the different directions a design can go!
 Chupa - Iwona Palamountain

Amy Wanford
Andrea Ewen
Clare Buswell
Debbie Hughes
Jean Martin
Maureen Plut
Tasnim Ahmed 
Maureen Merritt
Silke Ledlow

 Have a great day and come play with us at CASE Study!

Supplies Used:
Stamps:  Papertrey Ink:  Year of Flowers Sweet Pea
Embossing Folder: Bit of Paislee Cuttlebug
Dies:  Spellbinder Grand Labels 23
Card Stock:  PTI White, W+9 Ballet Slippers
Ink:  Copic Markers, Memento Rich Cocoa, Versafine Onyx Black
Gem:  Jolee's Boutique
Ribbon:  Decorative Trim Hobby Lobby, 7/16" Lace White  


  1. Beautiful!
    But they always are!
    Love your vivid colors and layers...
    just gorgeous!! :)

  2. Wow!! This is absolutely beautiful!

  3. Talk about amazing coloring abilities...those sweet peas are beautiful! Love them in orange and they look so pretty with the embossed pink background...and that gem...and that soft and pretty.

  4. Love your card!Very Pretty!!!Love the colors!!!

  5. Wow! Just so beautiful. I love the shaped card with the floral texture and the sweet peas - well, you can almost smell them! Great card!

  6. Sounds very busy to me, bet your kinda glad its over in a bitter sweet kind of way. Also sounds like a fun evening.
    Love how beautifully you colored those sweet peas! Gorgeous card Jeanne!

  7. Stunning! Love the embossed, soft colored background with the lace and gem. Perfect frame for the beautifully colored flowers--the orange really pops!

  8. This is amazing Jeanne, so pretty!

  9. What a stunning your sweet posies, so bright and very cheerful.


  10. This is so pretty and beautifully colored.


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!