
Friday, September 20, 2013

Awesome News! Splitcoast Stampers!

I just wanted to share with you my new Design Team Assignment that was all hush hush last month.  I am so excited to tell you that I've joined Splitcoaststampers as a member of their Dirty Dozen!  Yes, there are 12 of us, and our term is 6 months - so there are two new DT members every single month!  You wont be able to see any of my projects that I make for Splitcoaststampers on my blog.  The only place you can see them is at Splitcoaststampers of course!  If it's been a while since you've been there or updated your gallery it's time to give it another look.  The web site has new features, and lots of interesting new challenges.  They are a wonderful "go to" for techniques and you'll find galleries for all your favorite products, themes and designers.   The theme this month is "branching out" so you will see all sorts of beautiful fall creations.  Here are links to a few of my projects for this month including a sketch challenge, a photo inspiration challenge, CAS and Fussy versions of the same card, and a spelling fun (the word is L I M B - we had to use ingredients that started with each of these letters).  I hope you will stop by and say hi!


  1. Many congratulations! I'll pop over and check it out!

  2. Eeek! Congratulations, my dear! Wish I could figure that site out. Gracious, it's complicated.

  3. I have been trying to get myself singed up so I can see what you are up to. you! Dirty Girl? :)

  4. Congratulations Jeanne on joining the Dirty Doz, your samples are fabulous! Also, big thanks for getting cards published using our products.

    I will send you a great goodie package

    Kind regards

  5. Woohooo!!! Big congrats, Jeanne! You will be a great asset to the Splitcoaststampers Team!

  6. Congratulations Jeanne...I am so happy for you and this is a well-deserved honor. I know how hard you work every single day to create the most beautiful cards. They are very lucky to have you as one of their Dirty Dozen!

  7. Congrats happy for you and I know your cards will just blow the other 11 away! Can't wait to see what you do.

  8. Congratulations! Looking forward to your projects/

  9. I am so happy for you!! You deserve this recognition!!

  10. CONGRATULATIONS, JEANNE! I know what a HUGE deal this is and I am so happy for you. They couldn't have chosen a more perfect new Dirty Girl ;)!!

  11. Congratulations Jeanne. Well deserved good news. You will be awesome. I will have to start going over to SCS again, because I won't want to miss a single one of your fabulous creations.

  12. Congratulations!! Have loads of fun! You deserve it my friend!


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