
Friday, August 30, 2013

Waltzingmouse Pajama Party! Bedtime Story Sketch #2

Have you checked out the new Waltzingmouse Pajama Party?  I'm still in love with the idea of staying up all night with a few good friends, chatting and making things.  No you don't need to invite people over to participate - I'm "just sayin" that's what the name Pajama Party makes me think of!!  Don't you remember as a kid - painting each others nails, playing with make up, trying on each others clothes?   That's turned into trying out different products and dipping in to new ink colors!   The idea is simple - just have fun!!

If you've been a fan of Waltzingmouse Stamps for while you will remember the Sketch Challenge every Saturday. I've been missing them too.  It was always a great opportunity to see different ways to use your Waltzingmouse Stamps.  There was also a Blog Party on the 17th of every month featuring a different theme. Claire has been trying to spice things up a bit and give us a chance to have some fun with the newly released stamps.  How often do you purchase a new set of stamps an wait for an excuse to use them?  Now there's no putting it off!  It's time to get inky my friends!    

Here's your chance to get inky with  those newly released stamps and possibly win some blog candy,  or a chance to be guest designer for the next party!!  The categories this time are ..... Tie a Knot In It, Get Nauty, and The Sketch Challenge... Oh and if you didn't get a chance to purchase the newer stamps - a new category has been added called "Golden Oldies".  You can get all the details and link up your design  here. 

I made my card based on the Bedtime Story.  It features die cut and regular stamped flowers from the 2 Step Sprig (sounds like the name of a dance doesn't it?)  with the zig zag background stamped in hot pink. 
So head on over to the Waltzingmouse Makes blog - check the deets and lets get stamping!!

Big Day - TodaySimple SprigTwo Step Floral SprigZig Zag Backgrounder
Supplies Used:  Finished Size: 6 x 4.75"
Stamps:  Waltzingmouse 2 Step Sprig, Simple Sprig, Zig Zag Background, Big Day Today
Ink:  Memento Lady Bug, Love Letter, Angel Pink, Rose Bud, Cantaloupe  Dandelion, Tangelo, Pear Tart, Bamboo Leaves, Morocco, Versafine Onyx Black
Dies:  Spellbinder Petite Ovals, Petite Scalloped Ovals, Cut FiIles Waltzingmouse
Ribbon:  7/8" Satin Fuchsia
Card Stock: PTI White, Raspberry Fizz


  1. This card is all you Jeanne...all those bright colors and you have just done so much with the new flower stamps! I really like the added touch of those little stems on the base and I just realized you used the zig zag border too! Love this...beautiful photography too!

  2. Your use of color is absolutely amazing...
    these blooms just come to life!
    And with the pink zig zag background...
    you and Julia compared notes beforehand :)...
    I love it!! :)
    Stunning as always!

  3. What wonderful bright colors (of course!) on your pretty flowers Jeanne - they look super against the pin stripe background!

  4. Just amazing Jeanne! So sweet and your background, everything about your card.

  5. Gorgeous, Jeanne! Love the colors and your awesome flowers! The zig zag pink is perfect!

  6. This is so very pretty. The colors are just so bright and fresh.

  7. Hi Jeanne! Love your card!! It is perfect for the season downunder right now. We're into Spring this weekend, and your card made me smile. Such lovely colours and so cheerful. What a beauty!! Have a great weekend!

  8. I always love your bright and colourful cards Jeanne and this is no exception...the flowers look beautiful randomly stamped around that huge sentiment!

  9. You do such beautiful work with these flower stamps. Love this bright happy card and so will the person you send it to. I am off to my craft room now as it is too hot for anything but swimming.

  10. In love with this card and that stamp set is on its way to me!

  11. Ohhh... Those are gorgeous flowers!! Makes me smile!!

  12. Gorgeous card, Jeanne! Love your bright flowers and the great background! Just beautiful! Have a nice day! Hugs


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!