
Thursday, August 22, 2013


Thanks for stopping by!   I hope you are having a great day!  I haven't been sleeping so good - my rotator cuff's been bothering me.  I'm going for physical thereapy and trying to take better care of myself.  I'm hopeful that I'm on the mend and can start swinging again!  I'm even trying to get out there and walk the dog more.  She is starting to associate my gym shoes with going for a walk.   I like to keep my head up - gotta work on that posture! and I'm starting to see birds flocking together like they are thinking about leaving soon.

There's a new challenge at CASE Study posted today.  Our muse this month is Jennifer McGuire of Jennifer McGuire Ink!  This one is so fun.  Just pick what inspires you - is it the stripes, colors, stamping, sentiment?  It's all up to you.  Just decide and then run with it!   Just look at all those colorful stripes of paper  That's definitely for me!!   It really looks so neat how she stamped over all the layers.  I took that in a different direction.  I kept the layers of polka dot papers and die cut instead.  Jennifer got a real subtle silhouette effect, and mine is more pronounced.   What a great way to use up some left over scraps.  My dots are all from different collections of October Afternoon paper that I just can't bear to part with

Need a little more inspiration?  Head on over to the rest of the DT blogs and see what they made for this challenge.   I think you're really going to like what you see!   Our special guest designer this month is Kimberly Weiner!

Chupa - Iwona Palamountain
Amy Wanford
Andrea Ewen
Clare Buswell
Debbie Hughes
Jean Martin
Maureen Plut
Teneale Williams
Tasnim Ahmed 
Maureen Merritt
Silke Ledlow

Have a great day!  And I hope I see you over at CASE Study!

Supplies Used:  Finished Size:  4.5 x 6.25
Stamp:  Memory Box
DIe:  Memory Box Honeyblossom Sprig
Pattern Paper:  October Afternoon
Card Stock:  PTI Kraft, Night of Navy
Ink:  Versa Fine Onyx Black


  1. This is just fantastic. I love how you combined all those stripes and then die cut. Dare I say this is CAS? Where's the bow? I am loving how you mixed things up here and made them your very own.

  2. Ooooh Ahhh I literally did that when I saw this! Yikes it is strikingly fantastic!!

  3. So cool and so Beautiful! Wonderful design!

  4. Gorgeous!! Love the colors and patterns!

  5. Love all your colorful papers and patterns on this Jeanne - and what a great look you achieved by die cutting the stem over it all! Hope your shoulder feels better - my DH has issues with his as well.

  6. Really loving all that great patterned paper combined with the die cut silhouette Jeanne...that was a really great idea and a super cute die from Poppy Stamps too!

  7. Love this! Great combo on the papers.

  8. Don't know how I missed this! All those polka dots are such fun--love the mix of papers! And your die cut looks fantastic!

  9. Gorgeous and so FUN! Great way to use of scraps! Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  10. What a great way to use up those scraps! Yum! And the navy inset stands out beautifully!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!