
Monday, July 29, 2013

BSA Jamboree 2013 - No cards - just photos!

I finally got to sit down and start looking at some of the pictures my husband took at the Boy Scout Jamboree.   My family is heavy into scouting.  My husband is Scoutmaster, I'm the Treasurer, and my son is an Eagle Scout.  He turns 18 this year and was offered an opportunity to work the event as a Security officer.  This could mean anything from traffic control, first response to an incident, or just  making the rounds on patrol.  

This Jamboree  was the very first one held at the new facility called the Summit in West Virginia.  I thought I'd share some of them with you.    First is a birds eye view from the highest point in the camp.  Just look at all those tents!!

Here's my son - Roger - in full uniform - badge and sunglasses complete the look :) 

There were all sorts of events scheduled including a concert from 3 Doors Down!  Just look at how many people showed up!!
During his "off hours" he got to try some of the activities that were available to all the attendees including white water rafting, shooting, and this cool water obstacle course...

Here's him ziplining.

And one really special moment when he was working a VIP event - he got to meet Mike Rowe who was promoting his new show coming out this fall called Profoundly Disconnected.  He was kind enough to sign a hat too!   Mike is an Eagle Scout too - so it was great to see him spend time with the scouts!
I don't know if they'll go back next year, but I know this trip will hold lots of memories for my guys! Thanks for having a look!


  1. So cool! My nephew just became an Eagle Scout. He's such a great kid! That's so awesome that Mike Rowe came to your event!!

  2. Great photos and I am sure great memories for your son.

  3. So fun! Looks like your son had such a great time, and WOW! Look at all those people! TFS!

  4. Great bunch of photos...and I love 3 Doors Down, great band. Looks like your son had the time of his life!

  5. Awwww...just awesome!!! Looks like your son had lots of fun at the camp! My son was in scouts when in he younger, too! How wonderful! Thanks for sharing the great photos!

  6. Wonderful memories to cap off a childhood! Congrats to your family for creating a wholesome environment.

  7. How wonderful! It looks like a great time was had by everyone involved! :)


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