
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

CASE Study #136 - Sunshine!

Its time for some crafty CASE Study Challenge fun!  This month our muse is JJ Bolton aka Ribbon Girls!  JJ is a clean and simple genius.  She always incorporates some interesting innovative element to her designs and this one is no different.  Check out the inspiration photo! JJ called this one "deconstructed chevrons" and you'll have to check her blog here to see how she dissected a chevron border die cut and came up with this - told you she thinks a little different than the rest of us!  Don't believe me - go now - I'll wait... check her blog here.
How to case this one and make it my own.... You can pick any of the elements from the inspiration - the color, pattern, layout etc.  Just incorporate it into your design and link it up over at CASE.  I love all the color and the beautiful geometric pattern JJ created.  I told you last week I'm a little intimidated by JJ's vision of the world - but I'm up for a challenge.   I played around with lots of different ideas and when I got to this one I knew it was the way to go!    I weaved strips of ribbon into a basket pattern - and I won't lie - I did say "dang it JJ" more than once!  I did go through loads of ribbon - but it wasn't expensive - I used 1/4" satin ribbon - the sort that you can find at Michael's  on sale 4 or 5 for a dollar every once in a while.  If you are like me you stocked up and have been waiting for the right moment to dig those babies out.  I tried stamping my sentiment on all sorts of things (vellum, sheer white ribbon, satin ribbon, and on and on)  before I settled on the yellow twill.     I hope it makes you happy - I love the bright shiny color!
Check out what the rest of the design team came up with for this one.   Oh and just to remind you Miss Anya Schrier of Life is What You Make It blog - another C&S Rockstar is our guest designer of the month!  Talk about a power play!

Chupa - Iwona Palamountain
Amy Wanford
Andrea Ewen
Christina MacLaren
Clare Buswell
Debbie Hughes
Jean Martin
Maureen Plut
Teneale Williams

Thanks for stopping by and I hope I see you over at CASE Study!


Supplies Used:  Finished Size 5.75 x5.75"
Stamp:  Waltzingmouse My Island Set
Card Stock:  Papertrey Ink White
Ribbon:  5/8" Yellow Twill May Arts, 1/4" Satin Red, Yellow, Orange, Green, Pink Purple, Lime, Aqua Offray
Buttons:  Stampin Up!


  1. Wow--Jeanne--this is gorgeous. I can't believe that you wove all that ribbon. People will be talking about this card for ages to come. What a fabulous idea.

  2. "waiting for the right moment to dig those babies out" - LOL. This is increcible and JJ is going to love it!

  3. Amazing card Jeanne, I love the mix of colours! Gorgeous!

  4. Look at this! How fabulous is your weaving! All those pieces of ribbon, I can't believe you did this! Too many exclamation points, I know, but I love it!!! You even stamped on ribbon! I can not even imagine what I will do with this challenge now that I have seen both JJ's card and yours. Seriously, seriously creative Jeanne!

  5. Jeanne you are simply amazing! This is so fun and bright. I love all the different ribbon and that banner with the yellow buttons, so sweet.

  6. Okay... I love it!! Now... I can relate to the tediousness of weaving those ribbons... made a card when I was doing I Spy sketches (with WMS BTW)and it is trickier/more tedious than it looks. Weave... tighten up....straighten... weave... tighten up... straighten and then keep the tight pattern/weave while adhering to the base!! The result is unique and fabulous though!!

  7. ok...this...this is a showstopper. pinning!

  8. PS. I almost didn't believe this to be your card!!!

  9. Say WHAT??!! This is such a labor of love and cheeriness, Jeanne! Awemazing!!

  10. I can't breathe - do you know how awesome this is!!! Jeanne!


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