
Sunday, March 3, 2013

TRR#48 - Romantic Elegance

I can't believe how fast the year is going - March already!  Time to start looking for signs of spring in the air.  I guess even if it's cold outside we can make our own spring inside with the pretty things we create right?  I promise to take a photo of the first daffodil I find in the yard!

Do you love pretty ribbons, flowers and trims?  Then the Ribbon Reel is just the place for you!  They have lots of beautiful embellishments to make any creation drool worthy.  Here is the latest inspiration photo chosen by Helen Berry of Helen Berry Designs.  You are to create a project using the  colors in the photo and add flowers and ribbon.  I love the butterflies and the cage and used those elements on my design.   Link up your projects here for your chance to win a little shopping spree of your own!

I seem to be a real collector sometimes.  I find myself drawn to certain things and then never wind up using them.  Don't ask me how many rolls of washi I have .  I've decided to challenge myself with new ways to use some of these goodies that have gone untouched.  For this one I dug out a bitty kraft bag  and made a card designed to hold  a gift card or maybe a little cash?  I glittered up a mini clothes pin "peg" and added it to the ribbon pull that I just wrapped around the gift card.

Here's the finished card.

If you need a little inspiration check out what the rest of the design team came up with for this photo challenge. Just click on their names below - oh and give a big welcome back to Pauline Pollington - so glad she's rejoined the team!

Thanks for stopping by!  Hope I see you at The Ribbon Reel!


Supplies Used:  Finished Size 6.25 x 4.5"
40 mm Hybrid Tea Roses Light Lilac 

Hydrangea Daisy Light Lilac
Printed Paper:  My Mind's Eye 29th Street Market Carefree "Precious" Pretty Petals
Card Stock Papertrey Ink Plum Pudding, Vintage Cream
Stamp:  Waltzingmouse Say It With Style
Ink:  Versafine Imperial Purple
Dies:  Cheery Lynn Exotic Butterfly Small, Spellbinder Bird Sanctuary and Fancy Framed Tags Two


  1. Gorgeous card Jeanne, I love the fun pocket containing a little gift too. That die cut bird cage is lovely a great embellishment.

  2. A card that holds a gift card...genius! Jeanne this is definitely spot on Spring and your idea for a pull tab with the wood pin is fantastic. Very feminine and resourceful. :) Love this card!!
    Have a great week :)
    Lisa x

  3. This is scrumptious, Jeanne! You sure know how to do purple!

  4. So beautiful!!! I love the colors and the pretty butterfly!

  5. This is so gorgeous Jeanne, I love the purple butterfly and that beautiful bird cage.

  6. This sure does ooz Romantic elegance! Wow...You always amaze me. I could stare at your creations for hours!

  7. Gorgeous! Love the bird cage on this one . Such a elegant rich card, love cream and purple. I have a cream bird cage sitting on my new white shelves …. found it when I cleaned out my closets , looks just like yours.

  8. Jeanne, LOVE the bag! Your bow and papers and flower are all GORGEOUS, too!

  9. That little bag is the cutest way to include a gift card! Gorgeous, Jeanne!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!