
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

SSCB#5 - Scor Pal Project

I hope everyone is doing good. I've been a little under the weather - I got the flu from my husband. I guess that means he has to wait on me now :) There is a new challenge at Serendipity Stamps Challenge Blog. This fortnite you are challenged to make a project using a score board. The winner of this challenge will receive a free Scor Pal!  The design team was doubly challenged to make their Scor Pal project an Easter design but you don't have to.

 I saw this sweet little purse and it got me thinking of the old days when you would wear your best to Easter Sunday mass. I am one of three girls, and my mom would always buy us a new dress, hat, shoes, gloves and if we were lucky - a little purse just like the one I made. My sisters and I all have a different hair color and my mom would always dress us in our "chosen" color. My older sister is a red head and the first girl so she was always dressed her in pink. I am the middle girl - blond - so I was always in blue, and my little sis is a brunette and mom would dress her in green. 

The little purse I made today would be perfect for any of us. This would be a great gift box filled with yummy cookies or candies, or little cosmetics - like lip balm, nail polish and hand lotion.   You can get the directions here.  The only thing I did different was to add a grosgrain ribbon handle instead of the paper one in the directions.

There are lots and lots of ideas on line at the Scor Pal site with clever boxes and cards to make. If you are looking for a little more inspiration check out what the design team came up with!

We'd love to see your creations at The Serendipity Stamps Challenge Blog! Everyone is a winner because the sale this week is free shipping in the continental US on all orders over $10 February 6-13.

Chick With Tulip
Supplies Used:
Stamps: Serendipity
Pattern Paper: Pebbles
Card Stock: Papertrey Ink Vintage Cream, Stampin Up Pink Pirouette, Pretty In Pink
1" Pink Sheer Satin Band May Arts, 7/8" Pink Grosgrain
Border Punch EK Success Zig Zag Stitch
Copic Markers
Momento Rich Cocoa
Dies: Spellbinder Classic Ovals, Floral Ovals


  1. Awww, now you've painted an adorable mental image in my head. I can just see you all now, all dolled up and ready for mass. I used to get so excited about my new patent leather shiny with the little tiny buckle that would pinch my feet something terrible! But the little white islet socks made up for the pain :)
    Awesome purse you scored here Jeanne and I love your ideas for filling it up. The grosgrain ribbon for a handle is perfect!
    Lisa x

  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments! I have to say I am never brave enough to tackle a project like this little purse but this is just gorgeous! Wouldn't it be fun to receive that filled with chocolate? Just love it!!!

  3. I remember those days too Jeanne...always having a new Easter outfit and all the little accessories to go along with it! Such a cute purse and it looks so adorable with your cute little chick! You chose the perfect colors and patterns of Easter-looking papers. Great idea, hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. I am so sorry you are not feeling well. Wish I could help.
    You sure brought back memories of childhood. We all dressed the same and always got a new white purse.
    Your project is adorable, cant wait to make some and fill them up with goodies. Adorable stamp and you chose the best papers for this project. Feel better soon Jeanne.

  5. This is such a sweet gift box Jeanne. Love the papers and the cute image.

  6. Your purse is adorable Jeanne! I would have LOVED to have this as a little girl on Easter.

  7. I remember those Easter Sunday outfits just like you...A perfect little purse, just adorable.

  8. What a darling Easter purse! The chick holding the flower is just too CUTE! So prettied up with ribbon and flower, too! Great this spring creation!

  9. Love this Jeanne, such a sweet image, and a great little gift purse, gorgeous springy papers too.

  10. Oh, so fun! Your little bag is just as precious as can be, and I LOVE that story! I grew up in a houseful of three girls and was the middle one, too! We didn't have hair color to tell us apart, though. Still today, when we're together, my Mom and Dad's friends mix us up. Sigh. We all had colors, too, but more for possessions than clothing. My Mom always dressed us exactly the same, and I HATED it! LOL!

  11. What a charming little favor package! Sometimes you need a little something larger and this is perfect! I'll have to check out those Scor-pal templates:)

  12. This is so sweet Jeanne, love it!

  13. Love your adorable little purse and that chick with the tulip is the cutest image! Love it! I'm looking at the snow pictures of the northeast on TV and enjoying your blog pictures. Can't wait for Spring!!

  14. Really cute purse! Don't know how you do such good work when sick with the flu but so pleased you did and shared it with us. Get well soon.

  15. Awesome! It's such a lovely combination of design elements and color! Love it!


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