
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

CASE STUDY #129 - The Journey

I hope everyone is having a good week! Things are getting back to normal for me. I'm feeling better from my cold and trying to get caught up on the housework that was left undone when I didn't feel up to it. Funny that my crafting didn't fall by the wayside - things took a little longer with my fuzzy mind but it would take a lot to keep me from my craft room. I guess I have my priorities straight HAHA!!

Today I'm posting for the new CASE Study Challenge. Our muse this month is Teri Anderson from A Bit of This, A Bit of That. I don't think I can clearly define Teri's style, she can be all C&S and then hit you with something with lots of embellishments.  Take a look at the inspiration for this week and you'll see what I mean.  Looks like a good mix of both to me.  I love the bold colors and the way she added the ribbon and twine  to make this card so fun!  
To play along with case all you need to do is study the inspiration photo and select the elements that inspire you.  For me it was the colors and the clean look of her card.  I stuck with the same aqua card base and made my own rainbow of lotus flowers in the same colors Teri used. To mimic the three flowers with twine I added three little red lanterns. And here is my finished card.
Need a little more inspiration? Why not check out what the rest of the Case design team did with this one. Just click on their names below to hop to their blogs.

Sylvia Blum of Sylvia's Stamping Place
Chupa - Iwona Palamountain
Amy Wanford
Andrea Ewen
Christina MacLaren
Clare Buswell
Debbie Hughes
Jean Martin
Maureen Plut
Teneale Williams

I hope you find some time to play along this week!  Thanks for stopping by for a visit!


Supplies Used: Finished Size 5" x 7"
Stamps: Waltzingmouse Asian Gardens, Asian Garden Additions
Cardstock Stampin Up Pool Party, Papertrey Ink Stampers Select White
Twine: Twinery Mandarin, Blossom, Maraschino
Ink: Stampin Up Pool Party, Tangerine Tango, Real Red, Pretty In Pink, Daffodil Delight, Versafine Onyx Black


  1. Drop dead gorgeous. Love the bright colors and those lanterns are cut out so perfectly they look like die cuts. I really love the different colors of twine you used with them too.

  2. Lovely and vibrant Jeanne, such pretty colours.

  3. Ohhh, I love this colorful and well designed. Love the images used.


    My Card Blog: Creative Heart Designs

  4. Wowsers--this card is so bright, cheery and gorgeous. But--where's the bow? Are you sure you made this card??????? haha--you are just proving your talent in multiple styles of crafting. Perhaps your California friend has influenced you a teensy weensy bit?

  5. Wow, you fussy cut all those images! Having everything popped up creates such great dimension and I love the bright, happy colors!

  6. I saw your card over at CASE study - and I love it! Gorgeous!!

  7. Jeanne, this is so beautiful. I am in love with this stunning tree and those sweet hanging lanterns. Fabulous card.

  8. This is so beautiful Jeanne, I love the vibrant colours and those very pretty flowers x

  9. Totally stood out in the DT post ... the colorful flowers on the blue are drop-dead gorgeous!

  10. Gorgeous! Sorry I missed this one Jeanne!

  11. Jeanne, this is one of my absolute faves!!!! Totally serious! I could just stare at this one all day long! I've always loved those cherry blossoms, but in the candy colors? I am dying!!! Love it!!!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!