
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Case Study 121 - Goodwill

 I don't know about you but these holidays are a real work out!   We are still in the middle of so many home renovations and we keep getting side tracked.  I just convinced my hubby it would be cheaper to buy more of those stackable wood storage crates from Michael's to add to my craft room vs. building something from scratch.  Boxes purchased... by oh my goodness... the assembly!  Probably takes just as long as building it yourself - upside is that everything is cut and ready to be screwed in place.  If you could see my desk... I mean if I could see my desk.  It is a mountain of all sorts of things that I will sort out once we get all these boxes slapped together :) 
Well today I have a sweet treat... more CASE Study goodness from our December muse  .... Windy Robinson from the Ribbon and Bling Blog!  You know I love a big fancy bow and some bling - what's not to love here for a fussy girl like me?  I added some shimmery pine cones and moved things around a bit but I stuck with the red, green and white color scheme , and of course the bow and gems.  This one was really fun and is all dressed up ready for the giving!
If you'd like to see what the rest of the CASE Design Team came up with just click on their names..

I Looking forward to seeing you over at CASE Study Challenge Blog! I can't wait to see how you make this one ALL YOU!! The time line has been extended for the holidays so you have two weeks to play this one!  Have a great day!


Supplies Used:  Finished Size 5" x 7"
Stamp:  Waltzingmouse Seasonal Remedies, Vintage Labels 18
Pattern Paper:  K&CO Yuletide Die Cut Card Making Pad
Ink:  Stampin Up! Cherry Cobbler, Versafine Onyx Black
Gems:  Recollections (Michael's)
Pine cones Joann Holiday Inspirations
Dies:  Spellbinder Classic Ovals, Labels 18
7/8" Satin Ribbon


  1. Wow, what a beautiful bow and look at all that bling! I love those silvery pinecones too...such a sparkly card Jeanne!

  2. Everything about your card is just gorgeous Jeanne, love the bling and ribbon.

  3. So beautiful and so that stamp and how you showcased it with all of the bling and sweet silver pine cones, just stunning.

  4. When I saw Windy's inspiration card, I knew that you'd be having fun!!! Your card is so much blingy fun! That bow with the silvery things is GORGEOUS! (I stared at that first picture for at least a minute drooling over them:) Hope you're having a great week!

  5. ummm, you had me at shimmery pine cones!

  6. Such a beautiful and elegant card. As usual, you have done wonders with ribbon and bling.

  7. Look at that bling and a big bow!! Bet you were a happy girl, lol!! Isn't it fine to work/organize the craft room!!

  8. Love it! The gem and pearl flourish, the fabulous bow and wonderful sentiment - just lovely!

  9. Stunning card!!! That silk bow is fabulous! Wonderful color and so pretty!!!

  10. Gorgeous! That's all I have to say. :)

  11. Wow! What a beautiful bow - it's very eye-catching!


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