
Friday, October 26, 2012

WMSC #121 - Merci

Hey Guess What?  It's time for the Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge for this week.  It's become my Saturday morning ritual to check the winners from last week and to see the new sketch inspiration!    I don't know if you ever noticed but the sketches are inspired by Design Team members and sometimes the head mouse herself, Claire Brennon.  Well the next series of sketches for the coming weeks are inspired by the Mischief Makers.  And knock me over with a feather - the first one is inspired by .. YIKES!!!... ME!!    I know... crazy right? 

Well since I was the inspiration for this one I wanted to do something extra special!  I made a French inspired thank you card from me to YOU with lots of embellishments.  I started with some pretty paper from Pink Paislee and the rest fell into place on it's own.   In the center of the bow is a crystal gem from Swarovski Crystal Elements.  I like looking at all the pretty beads and such in the jewelry department of the craft store for pretty metal and glass embellishments.    Even though jewelry isn't my latest obsession some of these beauties find their way into my basket!

I hope you find some time to play this week - you can find loads of inspiration from the Mischief Makers and you might even win a new set of Waltzingmouse Stamps!

Have a great day!

Supplies Used:  Finished Size 5" x 7"
Stamps:  Waltzingmouse Paris Nouveau, Vintage Labels 18, Oval Classic Frames
Dies:  Couture Creations Blossom Yarn, Spellbinders Fanciful Flight, Creative Book Pages Two
Paper:  Pink Paislee London Market Collection "Curiosities", "Royal Charm", "Addington"
Card Stock:  Papertrey Ink Kraft, Vintage cream, Sweet Blush
Border Punch:  EK Success Zig Zag Stitch
Ink:  Versafine Vintage Sepia, Stampin Up! Pretty In Pink
Extras:  Hug Snug Seam Binding Baby Pink, Roses:IamRoses, Button Twine:Waltzingmouse, Pearls, Button, Lace:Simplicity, Swarvoski Crystal Elements


  1. This is stunning love the colours and the layout is gorgeous. Caroline xxx

  2. Ooh la la Jeanne! Tres chic card! Love this Parisian theme, and the pretty papers, that lovely butterfly and sweet bow with its beaded centre, stunning card!

  3. Your card is absolutely gorgeous! I love your papers and the beautiful embellishments.

  4. I love how you post your pictures! I never really know what I'm looking at while I dig through the layers and layers of gorgeousness and then...the reveal where I go, "OHHHH WOW!!" It's so fun how you captivate the eye and all the senses with one close up shot, always the perfect bait to draw me in!
    This card is stunning Jeanne and I love the roll of ribbon you used on that bow up top..LOL..kidding! But I DO love the multi loops SO much. :)
    Hey, hugs to you and Happy Weekend my friend.
    Sorry it took forever to get over, I'm drowning in my own pile of cardstock at the moment..hee hee.
    Lisa xx

  5. Another knockout card! This is just full of shabby goodness. Pretty papers, gorgeous bow and crystal, lovely flowers, lace and pearls. You do make the most beautiful cards!

    Cool sketch too - now off to have a think :)

  6. Oh such a beauty! I love the papers and the embellishments on this one...I feel like I just took a mini trip to Paris! This was such a fun sketch to work with, Jeanne!

  7. Wow!!! Absolutely gorgeous in every way! Love the Parisian theme and all the details! A true it!!!

  8. This is a beautiful card and I love all the layers. I also wanted to thank you for your advise yesterday. I was able to order that spellbinder die Can't wait to play with it.

  9. Look at you, sketch artist now! Love your sketch Jeanne, I think the Eifel Tower looks perfect along side that great zig zag border and you added your signature bow and beautiful flowers with some lace too! Very pretty, guess I have to play this week just to see if I can do your great sketch justice.

  10. Brilliant sketch and I was *this close* to using the Eiffel Tower this week, too! Amazing card!!

  11. This is just beautiful Jeanne! I love all the vintage elements.

  12. What a stunning card this is ... I adore it!

  13. Oh my goodness, Jeanne, so much to look at on this card! I love that the little pink silhouette is tucked in by the Eiffel tower :) And then the great big doily is awesome, too!

  14. Oh my goodness, Jeanne, so much to look at on this card! I love that the little pink silhouette is tucked in by the Eiffel tower :) And then the great big doily is awesome, too!

  15. Of course, you would do a killer job on your own sketch, right? Congrats on making a sketch, and of course totally nailing it. Your card is so beautiful, with so many pretty details. I hope to get a chance to play along and see if I can work something with your magic behind me.

  16. Fabulous sketch and a stunning have such an amazing talent! Your card is so classy and very elegant and makes me want to hop on a jet and head for Paris.

  17. Sorry I am late, catching up.
    Why not you! This is stunning and gorgeous! You did a beautiful job with the sketch and your inspiration card, Jeanne. I am loving all the pink and die cuts you used . Congrats!

  18. Jeanne, this is a masterpiece! I love the way you cut the die cuts on the right side of the card:) Such a great way to get more from your dies:)

    Hope you're doing well!

  19. Wow, just gorgeous, Jeanne! Love the colors, the bow and lace, the beautiful butterflies, the flowers... so many amazing details! Have a great weekend! Hugs

  20. This is so lovely! Every card I have looked at today is so inspiring! I just love your blog!!!
    :) Jill


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!