
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday Morning Sketches

Well, just thought I'd catch you up on the weekend "happenings".  My daughter did make it to the moon party, which turns out is a Chinese Harvest festival.  The "moon cakes" I was drooling over turned out to be an acquired taste - apparently they are made of bean paste and have an egg yolk in the center.  Good for her to experience, but obviously not the American "cake" as we know it!  I am hoping for some photos soon to show you from the big Sweet 16 party my son attended.  I can't think of a good way to describe it.  It had many elements of a traditional Quinceanera including a gift of her last doll to symbolize the change from childhood into adulthood,  and waltz.  In addition it reminded me of a formal wedding .  The birthday girl had her own beautiful dress, and was surrounded by a small group of young men and women who wore matching colors (dresses for the girls, and vest and tie for the boys).  There was a family style dinner with the birthday "party" at the head of the room and lots of dancing and music provided by a DJ all night!  They even had a mariachi band, and a formal photographer who I am hoping will be the source of my great photos as I did keep my distance.  Here's a photo of my son before he left the house.  He's a tall drink of water!  All that running is keeping him tall and thin!

Today I'm playing along with the Tuesday Morning Sketches Challenge.  We are going through an "Indian Summer" here.  The past few nights have been so cold you could see your breath.  Today it is summer all over again.  I threw on some shorts and plan to soak in as many rays as I can.  It is strange because although it is really warm out there is a constant shower of leaves raining over my head!   I am sure within a few days it will be back to normal!  Might was well let the stinker binker chase some chipmunks and get some exercise as she is confined to the yard for a while!
I decided to make a Christmas card with a new stamp from Serendipity featuring snow shovels leaning against a house.  This will be a common site at my house as perhaps your own soon I expect!  We have a snow blower but usually wind up going back to the good ole shovels.  I love the snow and the work isn't bad. 
I hope you like it and thank you for stopping by!  Serendipity is having their blog hop tomorrow and the special of the week is free shipping on all US orders over $10 from October 3-10


Supplies Used:
Stamps:  Serendipity Shovels, Peace
Paper: October Afternoon Holiday Style Collection
Stampin Up Garden Green, Papertrey Ink Poppy Red, Stampers Select White
Copic Markers
Button Papertrey Ink
Gem:  Paper Studio
Dies:  Spellbinder Artisan Tags and Accents, Labels 14
Border Punch EK Success Dotted Scallop
7/8" Red Satin Ribbon His & Hers (Hobby Lobby)
Twinery Twine: Maraschino 


  1. Such a pretty card Jeanne, is it really nearly Christmas?! Love that satin bow it looks gorgeous x

  2. Beautiful card , Love how you only colored a bit of the stamp. Gorgeous red bow! I just might do this challenge.
    Sounds like the kids had a fun weekend. Your son looks so handsome all dressed up.

  3. Oh...I have to use that stamp now! How pretty with the big red bow and the great coloring of the porch and shovel. Your son is so handsome...I bet the girls are chasing him like crazy and I cracked up picturing your daughter and that egg yolk cake!

  4. OMGosh, your card is gorgeous, and that bow takes my breath away! Thanks so much for joining us this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches!

  5. So beautiful!! I don't think I'd like those moon!

  6. This is beautiful Jeanne. I'm not ready for snowshovels yet--but I know they are coming.

  7. Very pretty holiday card. Love the image of the shovels. We have them on our porch all winter. Bought a snow blower last year and never got snow. Don't think that will last though. Thanks for playing along with us this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  8. Awesome Christmas card!!! I love that image!
    Thanks for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches!!

  9. So much eye candy on one blog post! Lovely card, and such a handsome young man. That party sounds pretty amazing.

  10. Shovels...yup. Even with the snow blower, you can't get rid of those shovels! Besides, last year I realized on snow days that if the kids start fighting, I can send them out to shovel by hand. Peace & quiet all around now!
    I love how you put the sketch together - lots of great greens & reds, and that big bow & button are a fabulous topper! Thanks so much for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches this week!

  11. Ohhhh, awesome pictures!!! What a handsome young man the cards..where do you find the ideas? Always something so new and elaborate and blows my mind!

  12. Great card - I'd love for you to link up at 52 Card Pickup this week and enter my washi tape giveaway!

  13. Beautiful Christmas card! The bow with bauble in the center is so pretty. Thanks for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.


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