
Thursday, February 2, 2012

WMSC82 Spring Wishes

WaltzingmouseStamps I hope everyone is having a great day.  I'm going through another round of dental treatments - went in yesterday and again this morning.  Makes me glad to be alive to be back home in the comfort of my "space" - my craft room of course!!  I can't believe it's February, and that it's Thursday already.   I didn't want to end the week without participating in the Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge!   Here's the link for this week:

PrintI've had this card in my head since I saw the sketch on Saturday (I didn't know the blog party was going to be Spring and almost saved this one for that!)  I was glad to get this on paper and pieced together last night.  I hope you like it - I love all the green - it is a fresh of breath air after all the red and pink I've been working with lately!   I think this is just about as clean and simple a card as I'm able to make.   I stamped the background in Pic Nic Patterns, colored the flowers in Copic - fussy cut a second set to layer the flowers and really make them pop.  I almost sugar glittered all the flowers but decided on some simple orange gems for the centers that coordinate well with the gem on the bow.
I hope you like it - I appreciate your having a look.  Have a great day!


Supplies Used:  Finished Size 5" x 7"
Stamps:  Waltzingmouse Spring Baskets, Pic Nic Patterns
Dies:  Spellbinders Classic Ovals, Big Scalloped Ovals, Grand Labels 11
Embossing Folder Intricate Swirl Paper Studio
Seam Binding:  Hug Snug Antique Gold
Copic Y12, 15, 17, 19, E13, 11, G21, 24, WO
Flower Center Prima
Ink:  Momento Bamboo Leaves, Tuxedo Black,  Ranger/Tim Holtz Antique Linen Distress


  1. Wow, this is so pretty and really would have been perfect for the Blog Party,but I have no doubt you will come up with something equally as spectacular for that one too. Love that beautiful basket with all the fussy cut flowers, looks so bright and "Springy".

  2. Gorgeous card! I love your coloring! That background pattern is just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing this with us at WMSC! :)

  3. Wow! Stunning card Jeanne, breath of fresh spring air! Love it and all the beautiful colors. Every detail is beautiful! Nice bling on the pretty bow too!

  4. This is so fresh and bright, love the pic-nic background and wonderful bow!!!

  5. This is a real breath of Spring--what a perfect shade of green! Your bow is gorgeous and I love that added bling! You picked just the right sentiment too!

  6. So gorgeous!
    The colors just make me think Spring...
    which doesn't feel too far away here...
    I saw buttercups BLOOMING this afternoon!!! :)
    And love that stamped background...
    the coloring is gorgeous...
    and just an absolutely fabulous card Jeanne!

  7. So pretty Jeanne! So fresh and fun! Love the bright and cheerful colors! Thanks for joining along with the WMSC :)

  8. A beautiful sunny card, just perfect for spring!

  9. Oh yes, the colors are fantastic, Jeanne! So sunny and fresh!! I just love the daffodils with the little gems, and your gorgeous bedazzled bow! The background is perfect!

  10. Stunning use of colour, gorgeous texture and detailing and fabby use of the sketch, well done and thanks for playing along with the MM this week!

  11. The green is so vibrant on this pretty spring card!

  12. Oh, lovely, Jeanne! I feel like spring is just around the corner now with your beauty! Love your stamping and layering of those flowers and that bigh bow is just breathtaking! Well done!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!