
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Card Patterns #151 - Red Rose Swirl

Wow is time flying lately!  I can't believe we're well into February!  I've been making so many Valentine's cards lately and I haven't mailed even one of them yet.  At my house the hardest part isn't making them - it is getting everyone to sign them.  It seems wrong for me to write their names for them, but that's what it's going to come to soon.  It seems like everyone is in a hurry and has some other place to be.    Crafting has been a real blessing for me since my daughter started driving.  It is so important for her to become independent, but at the same time it has created a void in my life that crafting has filled.  I am so thankful for all my crafting friends I've made through blogging.

I've seen so many pretty CAS cards lately.  I really don't understand why they are called that.  I get the "clean" part, but I don't think there is anything "simple" about them.  I think they are genius in that they hold so much blank "negative" space but don't look like they are missing a single thing.  I am always finding myself adding "one more thing" creating lots of layers.  I tried to go for this CAS style today, but  I still added lots of details like paper piercing, gems, and a hand made felt flower.  To make the rose I tried to mimic a ribbon folding technique I've seen on line and used a hot glue gun to hold it all together. 
I found the crystal heart in the jewelry department at Joann Fabric.  They have a whole wall of gems on strings in every color you can imagine.  I knew it would be a great accent on a card someday!  I made this card for the Card Patterns Challenge #151.  If you'd like to play along with the sketch above you can get all the details here:
Thank you so much for taking the time to have a look - I hope you have a great day!


Supplies Used:  Finished Size 5" x 7"
Stamps:  Tattered Angels Screen Prints Flowering Vine
Ink:  Momento Ladybug Red


  1. I totally agree with what you said today, I have a box full of cards and should just start sending them, and I also understand that void you are feeling. Your card today is really pretty, you know I love CAS, but yours has a nice twist with the piercing and that cute gem you added for some sparkle and that little added extra. Very pretty take on the sketch too.

  2. Gorgeous take on the sketch, Jeanne! I wouldn't know from this card that CAS isn't your usual style, as this is just perfect, especially that amazing rose and sparkly charm. Thanks for joining us this week at Card Patterns!

  3. Super stunning and elegant!! Just beautiful with the crystal heart and the gorgeous rolled flower!

  4. Love your new flower technique! It really gives it that classic rose look:) And that crystal is so pretty! (My husband says that I'm like a bird because I'm attracted to sparkly things, lol) I love that you went CAS but still kept that "Jeanne" feel:)

  5. That felt flower is amazing! I think you got it head-on with this CAS card. And you're right- I often think CAS cards are more difficult to make than other styles. But I love the open space and clean styling. So glad you could play along with us on Card Patterns this week!

  6. Wow, how on earth did I miss this one?? You've chosen an absolutely perfect (&totally beautiful stamp) for the sketch and I adore red & Kraft together!! Such a sweet little charm too - the whole thing is just gorgeous!! I have just put a little something over on my blog for you Hun xx


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