
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

12 Kits of Christmas - February - Polar Bear

Are you ready for another installment of The 12 Kits of Christmas???  Just to refresh your memory, this is a group of 12 designers.  Each has been assigned a month to provide the Christmas crafting supplies to the other 11 members.  We all receive the same supplies and post our creations on the last day of every month.  It's interesting to see how we all come up with something different with the same kit of supplies.

This month our gracious hostess is Cathy Weber.  She sent us this fabulous supply of goodies to create with - including die cuts and papers from Memory Box and Your Time Made Easy, buttons from Papertrey, and sentiments from Waltzingmouse, Papertrey and Memory Box.  She even included some "snow", pom poms, gems and pretty red satin ribbon.

I made this snow globe shaker box by cutting 4 sheets of craft foam one at a time with two Spellbinders circles set one inside the other to make a ring.  I glued the 4 rings together - created my "scene" and filled it up with "snow, tiny pearl beads and some iridescent sequins.  I topped it off with a clear piece of plastic cut from a transparency sheet.  I then added a ring of paper to give it a more finished look.  It was easier than it sounds and the results are sweet!   I glittered the "snow drifts" on the bottom that I just rough cut and I added gems to make the dark night sky snowfall sparkly.
 I also made a tag with the goodies from the kit - here's a close up
For this one I cut a large circle and scallop using the Spellbinders Grand dies, topped that off with my polar bear snow scene and put a big fat 3 layer bow on top.  In the center of the bow is a button "sandwich" of a plain button topped with a snowflake button, topped with a red button topped with a gem.  Whew!  That's a lot of buttons huh?  I added a some c-beads on my twine for some added glam.
Why not see what the rest of the team came up with for this months challenge?  Here's a list of the designers with links to their blogs!   

Thanks for having a look!  Join us next month to see the latest 12 Kits of Christmas!


Supplies Used: 
Finished Card 6x6"                                                                         Tag
Paper:  Memory Box Yuletide Collection                                          Paper:  Memory Box Yuletide Collection
Polar Bear Stamp and Die Cut:  Wesley Bear Memory Box                Polar Bear Stamp and Die Cut:  Wesley Bear Memory Box
Embossing Folder:  TIm Holtz                                                         Seam Binding:  Hug Snug Elegant Peacock Blue
Snow globe diecut from                                Stamp Sentiment:  In the Meadow Papertrey Ink
Twinery Caribbean Twine                                                                Twinery Caribbean Twine
Buttons:  Papertrey Ink                                                                   Buttons:  Papertrey Ink
Copic Marker Red 27                                                                      Dies:  Spellbinders Grand Circles, Grand Scalloped Circles
Extras:  Synthetic Snowflakes:  Michaels, Pearls,                               Standard Circles, Scalloped Circles
Coarse Glitter Martha Stewart                                                           Coarse Glitter Martha Stewart
Iridescent Sequins, Gems                                                                Beads
Sentiment By:  Lil Inkers


  1. Can you hear me screaming? Just so blown away by your two cards. The snowglobe is perfection. Such detail and such a good idea using the craft foam, you should see how mine is put together. Now the reason for my scream, that tag! You must enter this in something, I don't know what, but you have to. It is the best tag I have ever seen. I love the shiny diecut used with it, the bows, honestly every detail is perfect and looks so great with the little polar bear. You really went all out and I just loved it!

  2. Shut the door!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING Jeanne! There is so much detail in your snowglobe card I can't even tell you the best thing about it! I love everything! And that tag??? **swoon** You have put my things to shame. Fantastic job!!!

  3. Aww, what a sweet shaker card, that polar bear is so adorable! And a gorgeous little tag too, you always creat such perfect layering with your creations Jeanne,you are an inspiration!

  4. Wow, Jeanne, these are awesome!! I love that you cut the snow out of the text paper on the first card, and the neat snowglobe that you created :) The second one is pretty awesome with that huge bow and tag with all the scallops :) I love how you used the pom pom for the bear's tail, too. I tried to do that, but I couldn't get it to look right. You are so creative :)

  5. Jeanne! Perfection! I love the addition of the twine and the pop of aqua on these cards. Your shaker globe is awesome too. I love the almost-shabby but clean feeling these cards have, too. Great job!

  6. These are fantastic Jeanne! Thanks for the info on how you did your shaker globe (totally trying that!). The globe fillers you used really make the card, don't they?

    And that tag! I would love to see your card making process! You are so skilled at layering. The bow alone is a work of art:)

    Have a super day dear!

  7. Jeanne, your snow globe is amazing!! Seriously gorgeous with the glittered snow and dark "sky" behind it. Your tag is incredible too--so many beautiful layers and the perfect bit of bling.

  8. Wow!!! Both of your cards are just show stoppers, just so creative and beautiful and the little tails on the bears, such a sweet touch.

  9. Oh, Jeanne, these are positively gorgeous! Your idea for the snow globe is genius. I must try using several sheets of foam. Love how you added some sparklies in the 'sky' too! And the tag is fabulous!! All the layers and that magnificent bow creation are just stunning!

  10. Oh, I Iove all the pretty things in the snow globe! Every detail about the snow globe card is gorgeous the way you tied the bow at the top to the way you used the twine. Oh wow the last one is so sweet too! The twine with the beads on it … that and with your permission will be using that . Beautiful cards, could not wait to see what you came up with.
    Sorry I had my post set for tonight. Then got on my computer late this morning.

  11. really beautiful card!! love the dangling beads on your second project!!

  12. These are both so incredibly fabulous...
    as always! :)
    Love that shaker card with the pearls...
    and then the bright beautiful colors on the 2nd one...
    Jeanne these are just fabulously gorgeous!

  13. What wonderful creations you have made. I'm so sorry that I am so late to see them and comment. But, they were worth waiting for. They are both absolutely wonderful. Your snowglobe puts mine to shame, and I love it. And, Cathy is right--you should enter your tag into some sort of tag contest--it's perfect in every way.

  14. ACK, that snowglobe is fantastic! This is such a fun and inspiring blog hop to many creative uses of the same supplies! Your tag is incredible! Love how you incorporate beads and little baubles into your designs so seamlessly, Jeanne!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!