
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Fun with Stencils - Waterfall

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're having a great day! I'm feeling like Summer is quickly fading.. the birds are starting to gather to migrate and the nights are getting cooler here. I'm not ready yet! I still have pina coladas to make! LOL!!!!
Today I'm playing along with the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge where they want you to get inky and have some fun with STENCILS!
I'm still not 100% comfortable with stencils but I'm learning and I'm trying to experiment by adding more blending to create depth to designs.
I love Waffle Flower's layered stencil sets that are for creating scenes. The best part is I can take my time one layer at a time. The hardest part is selecting what colors I want to put where.
When you're masterpiece is complete all you need is an oversized sentiment and BAM! It's done!

I'm anxious to see what other stencil creations are linked up! Who knows I might just need to go shopping! LOL!

Finished Size 4.25 x 5.5"
Stamps | Waffle Flower Oversized Miss You
Dies | Waffle Flower Oversized Miss You
Stencil | Waffle Flower Waterfall Stencil Trio

WFL = Waffle Flower
SSS = Simon Says Stamp
Waterfall Stencil Trio
Waterfall Stencil Trio
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Oversized Miss
Oversized Miss
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1 comment:

Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!