
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Spellbinders Stamp of the Month
Key To My Heart

We're in the middle of a snowstorm here in the Chicago area. What a great excuse to stay inside and do whatever I want! DH is watching TV and I'm doing a little crafting. 
Have you checked out Spellbinders lately? They're more than just dies! They recently added Fun Stampers Journey stamps to their product line. These are high quality cling rubber stamps for a perfect impression every time. Today I'm playing with the Key to My Heart stamp set - it's the Spellbinders Stamp of the Month for January. 
I stamped a background of keys using my Misti. If you look close you'll see the top and bottom are exactly the same. I lined up the keys in my Misti, stamped, and then flipped my card panel so I only had to position them once. 
I loosely colored the images with Copic markers. I didn't want to blend - I wanted to give more of a watercolor look, where the ink is darker in areas where the color pools. 
Spellbinders has loads of beautiful stamps to work with! And the Stamp Set of the Month subscription is a great way to make sure that you'll get a new set every month. You can purchase one month or as many as you like. you can even add the coordinating die set so no fussy cutting.

Wishing you a fun weekend with time to do what you love best!

Finished Size 4.25 x 5.5"
Stamps: Spellbinders January 2018 Stamp of the Month
Fun Stampers Journey | Key To My Heart
Die | Spellbinders Edgeabilities Fancy Edged Ovals

Edgeabilities Fancy Edged Ovals
Edgeabilities Fancy Edged Ovals

Stamp of the Month January 2019
Stamp of the Month January 2019



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