
Sunday, January 15, 2017

CAS-ual Fridays - My Heart Beats For You

Hi and thanks for stopping by!  I hope you're having a great day!  I'm having fun making Valentine's Day cards with the CAS-ual Fridays Love Notes Stamp set! 
I stamped a background with the border/music bar in hot pink and red.  I stamped individual notes in light pink to fill the empty spaces.  I thought it would be fun to stamp the sentiment at an angle along the last bar at the bottom of the card.
For some sparkly accents I added some musical Fri Dies (Double Note, Heart Note, Treble Clef), and a few Fun Fetti Hearts in lieu of sequins. 
These musical hearts were one of the first sets that attracted me to CAS-ual Fridays and I think they're still gorgeous today!    

Want to go shopping? There's lots of stamps in the sale section of the store, and yes.. you can double dip using my special code. Any commission that would normally be given to me has been redirected to CASual Fridays for their Calling All Sistahs Campaign to use toward breast cancer awareness and prevention. I do not accept any payment for products I use on my blog. I only work with products I love and would recommend.

Finished Size 4.25 x 5.5"
Stamps | CAS-ual Fridays Love Notes
Dies | CAS-ual Fridays Fun Fetti, Double Note, Heart Note, Treble Clef


  1. Such a pretty card Jeanne, I love the pink with the gold! I still love that stamps set too!

  2. Pretty card Jeanne, love the sparkly musical notes!

  3. Love your design and the colors! Great sentiment placement and wonderful sparkly gold notes!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!