
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

12 Kits of Occasions - Here Comes The Sun

It's the last day of the month! Time for the 12 Kits of Occasions! The 12 Kits is a group of friends who all love to papercraft. Every month one of us takes a turn at supplying a kit to the rest of the group. The hostess with the mostest this month is Sharron from On Papillon Wings blog. She put together this beautiful kit for us with pretty papers, stamped and die cut images, twine sequins and gems! Our theme this month is "Here Comes the Sun" - and yes! I was walking on sunshine creating with this wonderful kit! The colors came together beautifully and make me think of rainbow sherbet! YUM!!

One of my favorite parts of being a member of this group is all the new products I get to try.  I've been introduced to some of my now favorite brands through some of these amazing kits.   There is no "tricky" ingredient this time - everything was a pleasure to work with.  I switched a few things up - particularly the die cut words and butterfly - I wanted them to "pop" more so I colored them black with a Sharpie Marker.  
Some of the items were stamped on watercolor paper - The Hula Girl (OK so that's what I'm calling her!  LOL!) and the yummy drinks.  I colored them up with Zig Clean Color Real Brushes (watercolors).  All the other images were stamped on card stock and colored with Copic Markers. 

The only big addition to the kit was lots of die cuts from Pretty Pink Posh - I added Stitched Borders for edges and landscape;  and used the Decorative Tag 1 and Window Frames for my focal points.  

OK.. here goes!!!  Count em!  YEP SIX!!

Want to see what the rest of the team made? Just click on their name to jump to their blog. You can also click here to go to our 12 Kits of Occasions Blog where you will find one sample from each of the designers to sort of aquaint you with their style.

Sharron - On Papillon Wings (This Month's Hostess)

Thanks for stopping by and have a bright bright sun shiny day!   Sorry I just couldn't resist!!

All cards 4.25 x 5.5"
Stamps | MFT Stamps Polynesian Paradise, Blissful Blooms


  1. Jeanne, I'm loving all your cards using this kit! You truly are the queen of layering. The last card has got to be the most adorable card I've ever seen! I love the colorful rolling hills!!!

  2. Ooops! The next to the last card with the colorful rolling hills. ;-)

  3. These are all so beautiful, Jeanne! Each one is like a dose of bright, summer sunshine on a card :)

  4. OMG, your majesty, didn't think it was possible to brighten this kit any more, but you did it! LOVE every layered, sunny, happy tropical delight! PS, your coloring is amazing!

  5. Jeanne, I know I repeat myself every single month, BUT NOONE does layering as wonderfully as you do, my friend! You've created a true taste of Summer with these sunny cards. Sorry I didn't do more coloring with my little stash of Copics - but LOve taking a few lessons each time I visit - yes, you are that good! xx

  6. Jeanne! You have no Idea how much I love these cards and I can never get how I feel about them in writing.... Oh my gosh that first pink card is absolutely stunning! I love the pretty pink you added to these cards..... You are one amazing cards maker..... Love each card and beautiful layer!

  7. Wow, Jeanne. I think you must have used every single thing. I love them all--they are all so happy, bright and cute. It is kind of gloomy here today, and your post is like a burst of sunshine.

  8. Oooo! These simply ooze summertime, Jeanne! Love 'em to bits and pieces! I couldn't possibly pick a fave. LOVE your style, girl!

  9. Jeanne - I am in AWE and I am smiling so big and with such delight over these cards!! Every single one - is AWESOME!!! Love your attention to details and the terrific way you used the background papers and the dies, and the images - you are just such a PRO - loved all of these gloriously amazing creations!!

  10. Oh, Jeanne! You have definitely worked your magic with the kit! I LOVE every one of your creations!! Your coloring is awesome and no one combines elements quite like you. I think the black die cuts worked great. I even colored one of mine too. Thank you so much for making all these cards. And since I have access to these supplies, I can now CASE to my hearts content!

  11. I knew you would do an extraordinary job with the bright summery colors of Sharron's kit, Jeanne, and you did not disappoint! I love them all!! Hugs, Darnell

  12. Oh my goodness,Jeanne. Your cards are all so wonderful and well put together. The layouts are perfect for all the elements you had to work with.

  13. Okay, I officially want to CASE every last one of these!!! Jeanne, they are all my favorite! Love how you left one card with uncolored unexpected, but it works beautifully.

  14. Oh my, you've outdone yourself! As I was scrolling I was thinking, wow, look at that, that's my favorite, no wait, the next one they are out of this world! I just love that pineapple card, it is so fun and festive, the shaker card where you used the white flowers is just stunning, sophisticated, love it! And I love how you made the hula girl card look like it was a picture taken of her, and folding the doily in half to be a tablecloth on the drink card? You are so smart!

  15. Jeanne 6 fabulous cards! I always get excited to see your post because I know that you love to use up every piece of your kit that you can and you do it brilliantly every time! Love how you coloured your different elements, the perfect cocktails, your shaker and the multicoloured sky with the fence. All so perfectly you!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!