
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Inspired by - Bloom Tulips

Have you checked out the newest blog in town?  It's called Inspired by All The Little Things and was created by Lesley Croghan!  Every Saturday a new challenge begins.  We provide an inspiration photo and invite a guestie who inspired us to play along. 

Our guests answer a short interview so we can get to know them a little better and they also play along with the challenge. 

Hopefully that gives you a little inspiration and you decide to play along.   is posted.  Karen Day selected this wonderful Spring photo.  So what do you love?  That neutral background, that big bucket of tulips?  Check out all that distressing on the chair and the bit of plaid in the background. 

I tried to incorporate lots of those different elements in my design.   How do you like my little bucket of tulips?  
I used the wood grain and peeled paint colors of the chair for my neutral background.   I colored the tulips with Copic markers in the same shades as the ones in the photo. 
My bucket is actually the basket die from Reverse Confetti.  I snipped a small piece of white card stock to make the handle.   Silly me, but don't the flowers look like eyes and the handle a mouth on this close up?  I feel like it's smiling at me!! LOL! 
We'd be delighted if you'd play along with us at Inspired by All The Little Things.  At least come check it out and see if it's just the ticket for you!  I think you'll be glad you did, and you just never know who you'll meet there! 

Finished Size 4.25 x 5.5"
Stamps | Serendipity Spring Flower Pops
Dies | Serendipity Stamps Spring Flower Pops, Bloom Word Die | Reverse Confetti Basket | Pretty Pink Posh Stitched Borders
Pattern Paper | Basic Grey Carte Postal, Basics
Ribbon | May Arts 1/2" Ivory Burlap


  1. Your bucket of flowers turned out fabulous! I didn't see the smiling face with flowery eyes until I read your post and looked again. Now I see it and it did make me chuckle! What a happy little bucket to be holding all those spring beauties! ;0)

  2. Tulips are my favorite in Spring, Jeanne!! I'm in love with these gorgeous ones you've colored!!

  3. Fabulous card Jeanne! Love your bucket of blooms, especially the texture from the burlap!

  4. This is SO gorgeous, Jeanne, love the beautiful tulips and the bit of burlap you added to the basket!!

  5. *Like* your card? Nope...LOVE! The tulips are a breath of Spring (we don't see tulips here very often...too cold is my guess), so these really do lift my spirits. Your 'smiley face' bloom flowers and bucket handle: tooooo cute! Another delight...

  6. Love your take on the inspiration photo. What bright and vibrant the colors are.

  7. Beautiful blooms - such vibrant colours! Here comes Spring :-)

  8. Beautiful take on the inspiration! Gorgeous coloring on the tulips and I love the bucket you created!

  9. I love the inspiration, and Jeanne your are is stunning, the texture, the dimension...I just want to reach out and touch it. It's gorgeous!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!