
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Inspired by.... Lesley Croghan

I have a very special post today.... I was honored and delighted to be asked by Lesley Croghan to be a guestie on her blog (Always Playing with Paper) on a new feature she's started called "Inspired By".  It's a chance for me to tell you a little about myself and I'm hoping you might play along with the challenge at the same time. How to introduce Lesley? That seems like a silly question... like who doesn't know Lesley? Ok.. let's pretend like you dont - although I'm not sure you can be a card maker and not regonize her name. Lesley is the creator of so many of your favorite places to play... maybe you didn't realize that.... Places like..Freshly Made Sketches, The Paper Players, FUSION, The Card Concept, Merry Monday, Dynamic Duos Challenge, Seize the Birthday, Seize the Sketch, e SRM Challenge AND on top of that she's a very talented designer !!!  So yes... swoon... very honored to be asked by her to participate on this new feature!!! 

Heck, just look at that inspiration photo and tell me you don't want to play... all that yummy GOLD and coral!  I feel like this one was hand picked just for me!! 
Of course I started thinking wedding.   A cake like that doesn't come around just any day.   I don't have any weddings coming up so I thought an Anniversary card would be just as nice.  I was going to start off with an embossed background but decided to work use a panel die cut instead.  It looks like Battenburg Lace doesn't it? 

All the products on my card are from WPlus9.  That gold frame is called the Anastasia Tag Die.  If you look close you'll see I have a shiny gold foil outer frame with a glitter frame on the inside. 
 I think WPlus9 makes the prettiest floral stamps.  These were fun and easy to stamp - I did a whole bunch of different colors while I had the set out!   Might as well do them while I have them figured out - these are triple stamped!!

I hope you'll come join me for this one - and stop by and say hi to Lesley - let her know how much you love all her challenges!

Stamps:  WPlus9 Pretty Peonies, Very Vintage Greetings
Dies:  WPlus9 Lattice Frame Die, Anastasia Tag Die
Fibers May Arts Ivory Button Tine, 5/8" Ivory Silky 
Sequins Pretty Pink Posh


  1. Hi there, I just saw you for the first time on the blog Always Playing with paper.
    Love the cards you make !!!!!
    So , here is your new follower from the Netherlands !!!

    Ineke XX

  2. What a stunning, stunning card!! I LOVE all the layering, the gold, the wonderful colors you used-everything is PERFECTION!! I loved reading your interview and where you get inspiration. Thank you for sharing with us!!

  3. Your elegant card is just spectacular my dear friend! Thank you for your kind words! You sure know how to make a girl feel special. Thank you for being my guest!! Hugs! xo

  4. Congrats on guesting with Lesley Jeanne!! Your card is stunning!! Love the orange blooms and beautiful shimmery gold frame!

  5. Congratulations on being a guestie! Your card is gorgeous! :)

  6. This is so beautiful Jeanne...just love those pretty flowers and your wonderful design. Wishing you a fabulous week!

  7. I saw this beauty on Lesley's blog, you really did a wonderful job with the inspiration photo, Jeanne, simply breathtaking card!!!

  8. I love your interview and your gorgeous card Jeanne! The blossoms against the gold-swoonworthy stuff going on here!

  9. What a beautiful take, and congratulations and well deserved Jeanne!!!!

  10. WOW! Simply stunning, Jeanne! Congrats on being an Ispired By guest! I can see why Lesley has been inspired by you; I know I am! Love your work!

  11. Congratulations on being a featured designer at Lesley's fun new challenge, Jeanne! I agree with you ~ I think Lesley picked this inspiration photo especially for you and you did a bang-up job of turning it into a stunning anniversary card! I'm heading over to read your interview! Enjoy your day!! Hugs, Darnell

  12. Time to emerge from my tardy-commenting slump, and remind you how enamoured I am with your gorgeous cards. Congratulations on being a featured designer (and not DT member) at Lesley's fun new challenge. Your card here: stunning! I agree: that inspiration was perfect for you!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!