
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

12 Kits of Occasions - Welcome to My Nightmare!

Hi friends!  I hope you are having a great day!  It's the last day of the month!  Yes!! Already!! Amazing how fast the year is going by!  Maybe you already know?  The last day of the month means it's time for the 12 Kits of Occasions.  This is a group of 12 friends who like to paper craft.  Every month we take turns providing the group with a "kit" of goodies.  We all create from the same kit and post what we made on the last day of the month.  This time our hostess is Jessica Davis from The Paper Parade Blog!  And wow what a great kit she put together for us!   The theme this month is "Welcome to My Nightmare".  Jessica had us covered with stamped images from Paper Smooches, Papertrey Ink, and Neat & Tangled, die cuts and pretty papers!  You can get a complete ingredient list here on the 12 Kits of Occasions blog!

Pesky Ingredient Watch:  It seems like there is always one ingredient that I get stuck on that I want to watch for.. just to see how the other ladies put it to use and realize where I went wrong - maybe unstuck my brain?!    This kit?  No tricks.. all treats!! 

I made 5 cards (gosh I just love Halloween!)  with my kit so without further ado... here goes... 

Thanks for joining for the 12 kits unveiling this month!  I hope you enjoyed all the Halloween magic we had so much fun making!


  1. Ohh what fun, colourful, bright and happy cards. The colours and the layouts are gorgeous. The spider embossing and all the dies and stamps you've used are just fabulous. Brilliant set of cards and great inspiration x

  2. All of your cards are so sweet but the mason jar one is my favorite!!

  3. Well you knocked it out of the ballpark with these adorable Halloween cards, Jeanne, I love every one of them!!!

  4. I love Halloween too and your adorable cards Jeanne! The ghost flying over the town.......too cute! Love all the colored images you used, I messed up so many of mine:( well done .... Girl!

  5. Adorable cards. I especially love the card with the jar full of Candy Corns. I am visiting from my sister's blog, Occasional Crafting.

  6. Oh my gosh, these are all fabulous Jeanne!! I had to giggle at your pesky ingredient watch!! I think your card with the jars is my fave, it's hard to decide!!

  7. I can always count on you to make layering look fantastic, Jeanne! LOve how you've combined the Mason jars, and [of course] love the embossed paper table cloth. You've taken that spooky row of houses and turned it into a neighborhood I could live with, just by using the darling Autumn background paper! Just awesome, Jeanne!
    =] M

  8. Jeanne every single one of these cards should be in a card magazine!!!! You always do a wonderful job, I have a favorite and its the e mason jar card! Love it to bits! Hmmm wonder what thing stumped you:) Love all your treats!

  9. I know, I can't believe it's the end of Sept!!!! WAAAHHHH I don't want the year to end! Super cute cards Jeanne! So creative and fun!

  10. My goodness--you did use practically everything. I love all these amazing cards, and love how you combined so many different items together on your cards. I think my favorite is that adorably mad scientist--love how he is matched with that subway Halloween sentiment stamp.

  11. And of course they are all just so sweetly spooky...
    love them!! :)
    What a fun kit Jessica sent...
    with such fun images and paper!

  12. Every one is so wonderful, Jeanne! Love your coloring of the Paper Smooches Images. The mad scientist definitely needed red hair and your color is perfect! Love that you made a happy ghost out on a bright autumn afternoon--so cute. And your jars are wonderful! You always do the best Halloween cards!

  13. What a fun set of cards, Jeanne! Love the gem "bubbles" being released from the mad scientist's beaker!

  14. GASP! Breath-taken-away array of cards, Jeanne! You've created Halloween magic with this kit! Be it the fangtastic vampire, the pumpkin stir sticks, the embossed spiders, the wild 'n' crazy chemist, or the neighbourhood of ghostly antics...they're all utterly fantastic! Love them alllllll!

  15. Jeanne, I so wish my mind could think in layers like you! I just love all of these! I super love the rhinestone bubbles coming out of the potion and wish I could make a card just like it. And I love the whole feel of the jar card. What a great idea to put them together and the little hint of blue you added to the jars is so neat. You really think of every single detail.

  16. Too many favourites! You always know what to do with patterned paper, don't you Jeanne! I just love how you used that Autumn paper behind the city scape with that cute ghoul! Awesome kit! You girls are so clever!!

  17. Fabulous collection of cards them all. Halloween is your holiday with regard to cards, you really know how do piece all the wonderful ingredients together to make the most incredible cards. You are amazing!

  18. Total fun on this one. So many crazy cute elements. Always love to see what Queen Jeanne does with her bag of tricks! Love them all!

  19. Jeanne you've blown me away! Your coloring is out of this world! I just love the mad scientist card and how you used him with the subway sentiment! The coloring on the vampire is just beautiful. And that jar card? Oh my....I am definitely going to have to copy that one, I just love it ever so much! And the ghost card flying over the city is just adorable. I love every single one!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!