
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Poppystamps Longier Stem

Have you been following the Poppystamps Blog Blitz?  We're showing off projects with the latest release and offering a prize with every post from March 14-28.  Not familiar with Poppystamps?  Well have you heard of Memory Box?  That's the parent company of Poppystamps and I think you're going to like what you see!

My project today features the new Longier Stem die.  If you want a chance to win click here to jump to the Poppystamps blog and leave a comment.  You have until April 3 to enter!


  1. I love the colours you've used! Off to check out the Poppystampps blog now.

  2. Love your use of the longier stem die! Very cute card!

  3. Oh my goodness.. the bunny is so stinkin' cute!!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!