
Friday, January 24, 2014

Think Spring!

Today it's my turn to post on the Poppystamps blog!  Sorry!  All I can give you is a sneak peek....  Let me set the scene - cold harsh midwest winter... wind whipping around ... temps so low that even salt won't melt the snow off  the street!   So what am I thinking about?  Well Spring of course!  Looking forward to thawing out!!!

If you've been following the Poppystamps blog blitz today is the last day to leave comments to win on all posts between Jan 6-19!  There is a prize on each post - just comment to enter!


  1. Burr!!! And its unusally hot here...79 today! We have had no winter and are in a drought. Weird weather!! I love your pretty sneak!!

  2. I want to go live in your card!!
    You know the world has gone topsey turvy when the South is colder than parts of ALASKA!!!
    So of course I'm freezing...
    so bring on the sunshine and 70's please! :)

  3. You are such a tease...this is beautiful!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks!!